Renegade Squadron / BOMB

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Social


Renegade Squadron was reborn from the ashes of a chaotic universe. Since then, the organization has grown to combat superiority with 100 plus members, guided by veteran backers that continue to master the current game as it develops.

Renegade Squadron has played a role in the development of the Star Citizen and community created resources. We are the only organization to date that has created mods for Star Citizen, recognized by developers and Chris Roberts himself. PirateSwarmMod influenced the official Pirate Swarm game mode that released a year and a half later. The rebalance mod balanced weapons and ships. Our knowledgeable members were first to publish gamedata in a readable, then later parsed format which served as the foundation of many community resources.

Renegade Squadron continues to look forward to the future to expand our superiority in the game, to foster a thriving community of like-minded backers.


What Sets Us Apart
RENEGADE SQUADRON provides the highest level of training and expertise in Star Citizen. No other organization has trained the quality and quantity of top combat pilots in the community as well as maintains a superior infantry force lead by renowned and seasoned backers.

Our Ethos
RENEGADE SQUADRON is founded on hard work, dedication and ethical interactions with fellow members, other organizations and developers. All members are treated equally, regardless of skill. We have zero tolerance for players who believe they are worth more than others due to their performance or recent in-game activity.

Our Goals
RENEGADE SQUADRON strives to improve and expand combat superiority, capability, readiness, economic interests and territory to provide our membership access to the full scope of gameplay that Star Citizen has to offer. We seek to have positive relationships with the community and developers. We work every day to be the best, and drive our fellow members to be the best.

RENEGADE SQUADRON is looking for players that align with our ethos, that are willing to put the time in to develop their skill to become competitive in combat or support roles. We are looking for players that are mature, and who can handle adversity and confrontation from inside the organization or greater game community.


Contribute: Members can be assets in many different ways in and out of game. Use your talents to improve the org and yourself.

Real Life Comes First: Renegade Squadron is not going anywhere, take care of what you need to and return when time allows.

Be Respectful: We have no time for the disrespectful treatment of fellow members and developers. Be respectful regardless of role and expertise.

No Drama: Members are expected to act like adults. If you have an issue with the game, org, or another member, take your problem to the Commander or an officer.

  • Must be at least 18 years old.
  • Participation in-game and in-comms is required before application is reviewed and accepted.
  • Must be have no major infractions during probate period.
  • Renegade Squadron must be set as main org unless affiliate is approved.
  • No offensive or sexually explicit names or nicknames.
  • No offensive or sexually explicit comments or avatars.
  • No alts without permissions from officers.
Text Chat Rules
  • No NSFW content outside of NSFW channels.
  • No publishing of personal information.
  • No religious, political discussions if unable to keep civil, know your audience.
  • No personal, offensive, or bigoted attacks on members.
  • No trolling or spamming.
  • No Star Citizen, CIG or developer bashing.
  • No salt
  • No mentioning other groups without permission from officers.
  • No advertising without permission from officers.
  • No linking to other discord servers without permission from officers.
  • No recruiting for other organizations.
  • No inciting of members or creating mobs.
  • No public resignations. Take your grievances to private message.
  • No challenging of moderation in public chat, take it to private message.
  • No challenging of Command in public chat, take it do private message.
Voice Chat Rules:
  • No offensive, sexual or bigoted speech.
  • No Star Citizen, CIG or developer bashing.
  • No frequent channel hopping.
  • No annoying high pitch noises.
  • No yelling into microphone.
  • No background noise or open mics, use Push to Talk if unavoidable.
  • No voice changers without permission from officers.
Moderation Process:
  • Infractions will start with a warning from an officer or Command.
  • If infractions continue to escalate, officers must consult with another other officer at minimum prior to excising reserved powers.
  • Officers must archive via screenshot or recording infractions that require the exercising of reserved powers.
  • Officers should notify, provide archive of infraction, and reasoning for moderation to the offending member or approved members upon request via private message.
  • Officers will contact Command to request member removal based on frequency or severity of infraction.
Officer Reserved Powers:
  • Officers reserve the right to change user nicknames.
  • Officers reserve the right to edit or delete any post.
  • Officers reserve the right to mute, deafen & move members.
  • Officers reserve the right to require Push to Talk.
  • Officers reserve the right to change server and org roles and rank.
  • Officers reserve the right to kick members.
  • Command reserves the right to ban members.