Booty Gang / BOOTYGANG

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Hello! thanks for checking out my org! very simple as SC is still flushing out all its gameplay loops. Primary focus is offering security services for other orgs or members of the verse. Running bigger multicrew ships to flushing out fighter squadrons. all are welcome, keep it classy _


Booty Gang, forged from the ashes of a failing empire, the first members formed the Booty alliance, a brotherhood/sisterhood of individuals unshaken in their belief for the Booty. later as the word of “Booty” spread more and more members joined the ranks, forming what is known today as the BOOTY GANG


Intentions: BOOTY
Motives: BOOTY
Views: BOOTY


If its for the BOOTY
its definitely Gucci