Fleet Metal MaC / BOTH

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Smuggling

“In this world some people born are like keys that move the world and exist having no connection to the social hierarchy established by man.”



Fleet Metal MaC is a mercenary and trading group founded by the “White Hawk” Griffith.

Guts, a great swordsman, joined the Band during its early years, not long after they had started gaining fame in several pitched battles. The Hawks rose to prominence during Midland’s One Hundred Year War against Tudor, and was integrated into Midland’s regular army following Griffith’s promotion to Count. They were instrumental in several battles, most prominently the taking of the Tudor-held Midland castle Doldrey.

Many, many, many years later, descendants of these great warriors lay down their swords and took to the skies…..


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