Bowshock / BOWSHOCK

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Bowshock provides specialist security services on the edges of Human space.

Based out of Vega, we serve clients requiring bespoke security solutions in Vega, Breman and Oberon. We’ll consider commissions into Virgil, Orion, Tiber and Caliban for the right customer.




Bowshock provides small scale security services to miners, traders and transporters at the fringes of human space.

We have extensive experience operating around Oberon (Gonn), Vega and Breman. We have a particular focus on small scale independent operators who need to put “a thumb on the scales” from time to time. Maybe it’s an unexpectedly big mineral score, a major shipping commission or a trade deal that needs an edge, Bowshock can make sure than things balance out in our clients favour.

Bowshock is willing to consider commissions that take us into Vanduul territory (Orion, Tiber, Caliban, Virgil and Viking) where the customer can demonstrate that they understand the risks and are appropriately prepared.


Bowshock operates within the aegis of the UEE as it applies to both represented and un-represented systems

Bowshock promises to:

  • Deliver on commitments made to paying customers
  • Provide mutual respect and consideration to fellow mercenary organizations
  • Respect relevant laws and ordinances
  • Refuse commissions that are likely to bring Bowshock into disrepute or direct conflict with the UEE