Brighthawk Interstellar Trade and Exploration / BRIGHTHAWK

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Focused on exploring the unknown, trading for profit, and scouting the ‘verse.


Check out our Manifesto using the button above for detailed information!

We are a casual exploration and trading/industry group, with a division called the Guardian Wing for escort missions and fighters.

We are not trying to break some sort of imaginary record for having the largest organization ever, and we don’t think we’ll ever be a huge group. We’re a group that likes to have fun and keep things simple. Sure, we’ll have a rank structure and officers/division heads helping to keep things organized, and we’ll have different departments all ran for the better of the group. Check out the Manifesto for more info!

RP is encouraged. Piracy is not.

We are also recruiting officer and specialist positions, make sure you specify in your application!

If you feel you’d be a good fit, and want to get in on the ground floor of something great, apply away! Remember to specify in the application if you have a particular position in mind and what division you would like to be a part of. (Exploration, Intelligence, Industry, Trade, or Guardians)


Welcome, interested Citizen!

Here at Brighthawk Interstellar Trade and Exploration, or BITE, we have built a strong foundation of leadership and knowledgable membership to ensure our corporation continues to grow and flourish.

We have five core divisions, each led by a Division Head, or Director, and helped managed by Chiefs and the members themselves, called “Brighthawks”. The divisions all work together for the good of the corporation and the continued growth of the Brighthawk’s pocketbooks. In our corporation, EVERY Brighthawk is a shareholder, and will have a stake and vote in their future and their votes will be heard.


There is currently a rank structure in place, and it promotes and encourages the teamwork and dedication that is BITE.

Recruit: This is the basic new member. You will be a trainee, learning the corporation rules and regulations, as well as getting to know the rest of the members. You will be assigned a Brighthawk Chief as your guide through this process, and they will work with you throughout the initial time.

Brighthawk: This is the full member, with all the benefits. This rank is achieved after promotion recommendation from the Recruits Chief, after they feel the Recruit is worthy of the title. As a Brighthawk member, you will be considered a shareholder in the corporation, as well as have a singular vote on any decisions the Board Members put up for voting. Brighthawks are the working force of the corporation, as well as considered diplomats and examples for other Citizens to see and meet. As such, they will be held to a high standard and with high regards in the corporation.

Brighthawk Veteran: This is a position for the Brighthawk that has been with the corporation for an extended period of time, but doesn’t feel the calling of leadership or promotion, or was once in a leadership position and had to step down for personal reasons. These are the most trusted Brighthawks in the corporation, and as such will receive 2 votes and the potential for more shares of the corporation. Promotion to Veteran status comes only from the Director of the Brighthawk’s division, and will be approved by the board.

Brighthawk Chief: The Chief is a critical position in the divisions and the corporation as a whole. The Chief not only acts as a leader for operations (such as mining operations, escort missions, exploration ops, etc), but is also a second-in-command to the Director of the division they under. Most Directors will have 1 or more Chiefs under them to help run the division smoothly and keep things on track in their absence. Besides management, the Chief will also act as a Recruit guide for all new members seeking to become a Brighthawk and will report to the Division head when they feel the potential is ready for promotion. A Chief will also have 2 votes, but will have a greater share potential in the corporation due to their responsibilities. Chiefs will also head up individual branches in their Divisions and report status to their Director.

Director: The Division Head of the particular branch. There will only be 5 Directors in the corporation, and they can and will also hold positions as board members or executive officers. The Directors will be in charge of hiring new Chiefs within their divisions, promoting members, reporting to the Board, and any discipline and share distribution needed to the Brighthawks under their leadership. Directors will have the most responsibility and duties in the corporation, and will need proper management, organization, and leadership skills to reach this position.


Exploration Division: This is the corporation’s main function, and founding principle. We have long thought that the Human race is and above all other things, an explorer at heart, and the corporation will strive to make this our focus. This division will include scouting missions, new world exploration, cartography, star charting, meeting new civilizations, and generally anything the mind can imagine in a universe that has barely been touched. As such, this division will have to be not only intelligent, but possessing the personality of someone that wants to continuously learn and grow as an individual.

Trade and Industry Division: This is the “meat and potatoes” of the corporation, and will house the Mining Detachment, Manufacturing Union, and Trade Unit. Any Brighthawk that shows skill in creative abilities and/or economic knowledge will want to be a part of this Division. Most of the corporation’s money will be made here, and in turn, most of the corporation’s money will be spent here. The Trade and Industry division will work hand-in-hand with every other division, especially the Research Branch of the Intelligence Division, and the Treasury and Projects branch of the Administration division, to make sure the corporation has funding where needed and the money flow is on track. These are the hard-hat wearing, blue collar, down-and-dirty Brighthawks. They help equip the other divisions with starships, weapons, add-ons, parts, and will also house the repair and maintenance group to keep the Brighthawks going.

Intelligence Division: These are the people seeking answers to the unknown, knowledgeable in the sciences, skilled in medical, or possessing the abilities of diplomacy or strategy. These are the talkers, the researchers, the tactical geniuses, the doctors, the physicist, and, to some degree, the explorers. The department will house the Diplomacy Group, the Sciences Department, the Medical Firm, the Research and Design Branch, and the Brighthawk Intelligence Agency (BIA) itself. The BIA will consist of both Espionage, Counter-Intelligence, and Internal Affairs and will report directly to the CEO of BITE. In many situations, members of the Intelligence Division might find themselves assigned or roaming to other divisions depending on need. For instance, a member of the Medical Firm might find themselves in the Exploration Division as a medical officer aboard a deep space ship, or a Brighthawk of the Science Department might take part in helping with research or industry projects. The Intelligence Division Director will report to either/both the CEO and the COO, depending on the situation and branch. (See Administration Division below).

Guardian Wing: These are the fighters and the real ace pilots and combat specialists of the Brighthawks. They will take part in the defense of the corporation, the escorting of exploration and trade missions, anti-piracy, and most likely belong to other divisions in the corporation itself. They are the front line of defense when called upon, and will be led by Squadron Commanders, this division’s version of a Chief, and the Wing Commander, their version of a Director. The Guardian Wing will also have the ability to take on missions when territory is contested or another allied corporation is in need. Most exploration and mining operations will also have Guardians assigned to them as protection and scouting purposes when the need arises.

Administration: These are the Brighthawks that keep the corporation ticking. This will consist of the CEO and COO, the Treasury Officer, Marketing and Branding Specialist, Mission Specialist (HR Officer) and the Project Management Branch. The Brighthawks of this group will all be board members and executive officers in the corporation, and could very well be Directors of Divisions or Branches. In coordination with the Directors, this division will help distribute shares (Treasury), count votes (Mission Specialist), develop new logos, build the website, control the branding (Marketing and Branding Specialist), and create and help keep deadlines and projects on track for the corporation (Project Management Group).

The CEO and COO will serve as the figureheads for the corporation, and are non-electable positions. For instance, if the COO steps down, the CEO will promote a Brighthawk of his/her choice from the Directors or Administration positions to replace them. In the rare case of the CEO leaving, the COO will take their spot as the new CEO and pick a new COO to take over their previous duties.
  • The Chief Executive Officer is the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and their roles are, first and foremost, obtaining financing, setting and selling the vision, finding talent and creating alliances, and strategic direction. Additionally, the CEO will guide top-level management (COO, Directors), but not be very involved in the day-to-day unless needed. They would be considered the “face” of the corporation, if one person had to be chosen. (In BITE, we believe the Brighthawks are the real face). The CEO’s primary focus will be that of the Exploration, Guardian Wing, and Administration Divisions. The Brighthawk Intelligence Agency (BIA), the Medical Firm, and the Diplomacy branches of the Intelligence Division will also report to the CEO.
  • The Chief Operating Officer is the second-in-command, and is responsible for ensuring the execution of all of the day-to-day tasks necessary to achieve the company’s vision, managing the company’s senior level positions. (Directors and Administration Officers report directly to the COO or CEO, but the COO reports to the CEO.) The COO’s primary focus will be that of the Industry and Trade Division, but both the Research and Design and the Science branches of the Intelligence Division will report to the COO as well.

IF YOU FEEL YOU WOULD BE A VALUABLE ADDITION TO THE BRIGHTHAWK FAMILY, PLEASE APPLY TODAY! Remember to specify your requested division and branch in your application.

Thank you,
The B.I.T.E Board of Directors


Below are our organization’s policies. Please read through them carefully before applying!


Only polite, mature, and responsible individuals may apply – preferably players over 18 years of age, but exceptions can be made. BITE aims to provide a pleasant, “drama-free” environment for all members. We will not tolerate problematic individuals who disrupt the harmony of our community.


BITE aims to provide an immersive, narrative-driven atmosphere for all members. I believe this is inline with the emphasis on immersion Chris Roberts has given to the Star Citizen project. Participation isn’t required, but it is encouraged.


Multi-guild membership is allowed – but not encouraged – and should only be done for role-playing/narrative purposes (for example, if you want a character who focuses on bounty hunting and mercenary work, then he or she would be allowed to join a mercenary company). Do not spread yourself too thin – while our gameplay hours policy may be fairly lenient, we would prefer if you remain active with us. Inactive members are subject to dismissal.


As an “ethical” organization, all members of BITE are strictly forbidden from engaging in acts of piracy. If you wish to play out the role of a pirate or otherwise “morally-grey” character, please pick an RP-friendly group that supports this.


We operate on the principle of common decency. Be friendly and courteous to all players, including those who fly alone or are in other organizations. In the game, if you see a stranger in trouble, and are in the position to help, then you should assist him or her to the best of your abilities.


Unlike most gaming guilds, voice communication will NOT be mandatory. Many people, including myself, are microphone-shy. I personally also find text-based communication to be less distracting and immersion-breaking during gameplay. However, I understand many people like to have a voice chatroom to interact with fellow players, and I respect their preferences. We will at some point be opening a teamspeak server.


We are not a hardcore gamer group. We will not require you to put in a set amount of hours per week on gameplay, or force you to participate in group events. Real life comes first!


Players from all nations are welcome!


Feel free to apply, give a few words why you think you’d be a good fit, and we’ll get back to you pretty quickly.