Broken As Designed / BROKENAD

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

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Join our discord at


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Community Rules

Rule # 1 Respect all players and community members; treat others as you would like to be treated.

Rule # 2 Do not solicit members for any reason; including, requests for gear, requests for in-game items, requests for community positions, advertisements, or invitations to, including but not limited to, other communities / other community servers / other community Discords / private Discords / friend Discords (including posting on [BAD] community chat channels and/or direct messaging in any tool).

Rule # 3 Theft of any kind will not be tolerated.

Rule # 4 Racism or discrimination is strictly prohibited; we are an adult community and “mature language” is accepted, if not expected, however intolerant language is unacceptable.

Rule # 5 Spamming/flooding Discord or in-game chat is strictly prohibited.

Rule # 6 All individuals that access our Discord are to be 18 years of age or over; as such, community members are expected to act with maturity, and are to make every attempt to directly resolve issues / conflicts. If a resolution cannot be reached, kindly direct your matter to the community Officers using community tools (i.e., in-game !admin command and/or #help-desk tickets). Do not direct message Officers or Sr.Officers, Community Leaders may be direct-messaged if the subject matter is considered sensitive.

Rule # 7 No discussions of politics or religion.

Rule # 8 All BaD Members (defined as individuals with “BAD Member” permissions in our Discord, not including public permissions) are required to display our “[BaD]” tag when in servers hosted by Broken As Designed and/or playing games with other members of the BaD community; ask a BaD officer if you are uncertain whether tags should be applied in game.

Rule # 9 While push-to-talk is not required, “live mic’ing” is strongly discouraged; live mic’ing is defined as microphone capturing additional sounds, including background environmental sounds, in-game sounds, in-game communications. Continued live mic’ing is a violation of Rule # 1, and repeated infractions may result in the required use of push-to-talk.

Rule # 10 BaD Members are expected to actively participate in the BaD community; activity will be determined by considerations including, but not limited to, an active presence in community Discord within the last 30 days (joining voice chat channels and/or posting to text channels). Active participation is defined as prohibiting the development of exclusionary in-community groups / cliques and the creation or expansion of external communities.