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  • Security


Advocacy & Diplomacy – Carriage & Transport – Reconnaissance & Surveillance – Security & Peacekeeping – Escort & Support

  • “A warrior is not born of blood, but like a blade, is forged by fire and hammer.” – SG

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Chaser Inc. is a paramilitary organization providing military grade hardware, personnel, service, and support to a discerning clientele. Chaser Inc. is comprised of reserve and former military members that having served in their various fields with supreme professional distinction, now bring their highly specialized training, experiences, and skill-sets to the consumer market. As a privileged client whatever your needs are, no matter what your concerns may have been, with Chaser Inc. your mission is our mission. Consider it done.


Whatever your experience, background, or skill set (and/or play style) may be, Chaser Inc has opportunities to suit you.

Advocacy & Diplomacy –

Generally Chaser’s headquarters unit is responsible for overall Command and Control structure and implementation, but also “Combat Negotiations”; public relations/influence/liaison for organizational interactions with the rest of the Star Citizen universe (politics, legalities, finances, contracts, affiliations, etc). A&D takes care of all the hand-shaking, baby-kissing, bean-counting, paper-pushing, and desk-driving so nobody else has to, but they also pretty much get to tell the rest of us what to do; plus how, when, and where to get it done. And sometimes they may even include a “why”.

Primary Assets: P-72, Argo variants, Kue, Lynx, Tana, 325A, Arrow, Herald, 350R, Hornet variants, Star Runner, Vanguard variants, Phoenix (Archimedes), Carrack (Pisces), StarLiner, 890J (85X), Endeavor variants, Idris-P (K)

Carriage & Transport –

Our Logistics & Supply Division that is responsible for providing beans, bullets, and band-aids as well as fuel, transportation, parts, repairs, and maintenance. C&T conducts all internal direct profit endeavors (cargo, mining, salvage, etc), supplies the fleet and all supporting assets for internal and external operations, and ensures you have everything when and where you need it to break things and hurt people, plus fix it when it’s you and your stuff that’s broken. Medic!

Primary Assets: Argo variants, Ursa, 85X, 125A, Omega, Avenger variants, Herald, M50, Cutlass variants, SRV, Vulture, Freelancer MAX, Taurus, Prospector, Expanse, Vulcan, Corsair, Hoplite, Hull-C, Apollo variants, Caterpillar, Mole, Gemini, Crucible, Retaliator variants, Hull-D, Valkyrie, Reclaimer, Starliner, Orion, Hercules M2, Nautilus, Endeavor variants, Kraken, Idris-P (K)

Reconnaissance & Surveillance –

The Intelligence & Research Division is Chaser’s Skunkworks; the kinda spooky nerds and special operations folks responsible for figuring out who and what needs to be broken or blown up, new and creative ways of doing it, and especially doing it to the other guys before they do it to us. R&S keeps an eye on what everyone else is up to, and manages our research, development, tactics, and upgrades etc to keep us at the top of our game. For Science! Be nice to them or they may melt your brain.

Primary Assets: Argo variants, X1-Force, Ursa, 125A, Omega, Herald, Avenger variants, Cyclone variants, 325A, Mako, M-50, 350R,Mantis, Hornet variants, Razor EX, Sabre variants, Corsair, Terrapin, Star Runner, Vanguard variants, Valkyrie, Carrack (Pisces), Nautilus, Endeavor variants, Idris-P (K)

Security & Peacekeeping –

The Expeditionary Forces Division, all FPS, all channels, all the time (well mostly). S&P is our internal law enforcement and security group, the “danger close” air support and “boots on ground” presence required for over-throwing small countries, babysitting VIPs, assassinating VIPs, manning the gates, guarding the walls, and taking care of whatever up close and personal face-shooting (or face-stabbing) needs doing. S&P; when “nuking them from orbit” isn’t the most effective or fun way “to be sure”.

Primary Assets: P-52, Argo variants, Ursa, X1-Force, 125A, Delta, Avenger variants, Cyclone variants, Arrow, Tana, Gladius, Cutlass variants, Nova, Ballista, Taurus, Freelancer MIS, Ares variants, Hoplite, Redeemer, Retaliator variants, Valkyrie, Starliner, Hercules A2/M2

Escort & Support –

The Fleet Combat Division of Chaser Inc encompasses all flight-related security, combat support, personnel, and assets. E&S provides cover and escort for all Chaser internal operations and directly to our external customers and affiliates; whether it happens fast overhead or “in the black” they’re on it. Chaser E&S was the original division of the company, and remains our most recognizable asset. F&S strongly believes that “nuking them from orbit” is always the most effective and fun way “to be sure”.

Primary Assets: Argo variants, Avenger variants, 325A, Arrow, Gladius, Legionnaire, Hornet variants, Gladiator, Freelancer-MIS, Sabre variants, Hurricane, Ares variants, F8C, Vanguard variants, Retaliator, Eclipse, Perseus, Nautilus, Hercules A2/M2, Hammerhead, Polaris, Idris-M (K), Kraken, Idris-P (K), Javelin


Obey the Law and Pull your Weight.

Chaser Inc is an independent, but UEE supporting lawful organization, and we will make every effort to follow and maintain rule of law in all of our Endeavors ( and all other ships too :P ). All official contracts, events, and activities will, at a minimum, be executed in accordance with our general Rules of Conduct;

- Maintain your bearing; conduct yourself honorably and uphold our code.

- Complete your mission; fulfill your assignment and accomplish the objective if at all possible.

- Support your team, and follow the instructions of those in charge to the best of your ability.

This is not a lock-step, whip-cracking group, but basically all members are expected to respect each other and our allies, and keep their word and uphold their obligations to the same. If you say you’re going to do something, accept a particular role, help somebody out, or participate in a job or exercise, etc following through is imperative. Shit happens, things change, and real life ALWAYS takes precedence, but keep in mind that other people are counting on you so timing is important; be considerate and communicate, let someone know if you if can’t do it/be there in advance if at all possible. We are here to play together and support one another, if you want or need something just ask, and when in doubt play Boy/Girl Scout yourself when you can. Finally be respectful; racism, sexism, name-calling, personal attacks, “doxxing” etc or any other slander/abuse is NOT acceptable. That said this is an adult organization and not a “safe space”; we may swear, joke, tease, and carry on a bit, and someone (i.e. Star-Geezer and others) may even take a break to go off on our keyboard/headset/HOTAS/ship/NPCs or other inanimate objects in the heat of the moment. However try not to make a habit of losing it on comms, and NEVER, EVER direct such an assault at another member or affiliate. If you have any problems or concerns yourself or about/with anyone else, the “boss” has an 100% open door policy.

Our so-called “Command Structure”.

In keeping with our “paramilitary” designation, Chaser Inc will generally follow a military type Chain of Command organizational model during official events and activities. The “website” organizational entity will be the responsibility of the “Commodore” (and operated in association with Division officers), but the group itself will consist of multiple components. Each of our internal Divisions; Advocacy & Diplomacy (A&D), Carriage & Transport (C&T), Reconnaissance & Surveillance (R&S), Security & Peacekeeping (S&P), and Escort & Support (E&S) will have a “Department Head” and at least one designated alternate. Within each Division, Sections for particular “roles” and specific classes of vessels and/or vehicles will likewise fall under their own “Section Chief” and/or at least one alternate. Finally Teams within Sections, comprised of one or more individual members and/or vessels/vehicles, will generally be directed by the lead member/vessel as “Commander”, and each individual vessel or vehicle’s “Captain” will of course guide his or her own crew. Shorter term operations, contracts, and missions etc will follow along similar lines and be as simple or involved as necessary. Note that responsibility for and “command” of Divisions, Sections, Teams, and particular organization assets/vessels is subject to temporary or semi-permanent change as deemed appropriate by upper leadership, but will be primarily dictated by the contributions, skills, and desires of Chaser Inc members themselves. Remember it is expected that all members will follow the direction of those placed in charge to the best of their ability, after all it might be you driving the next operation and you’ll appreciate everyone backing you up in turn. If you think you might be better suited or want a position yourself (and ask for it ahead of time), it could very likely be yours “until you die or we find somebody better”. Humor aside, even during official Chaser Inc activities and operations, individual members will always have complete and total control of their own assets, vessels, and vehicles to do with as they please. Chaser Inc leadership will only ever give an individual Captain an objective, with suggestions and advice if desired, but specifically how you get it done is up to you.

No Piracy. Duh.

Chaser Inc. is in the business of stomping the bad guys (and hostile aliens) guts out plain and simple. There is no honor in larceny, racketeering, extortion, terrorism, murder etc (and whatever those filthy, scum-sucking Xenos are up to) no matter how cool, clever, entertaining, or badass the perpetrators pretend to be (again including those filthy, scum-sucking Xenos). They are all opportunistic vermin and our de facto enemies, and they will be dealt with directly and decisively every chance we get; their in-game lives, liberty, and property are forfeit. Any member suspected to be or have been involved or colluded with such hostile and/or criminal elements will be subjected to official review by Chaser Inc leadership, and if found at fault will be held accountable with appropriate disciplinary action. Offence(s) deemed to be minor may result in probation, rank reduction, and/or other temporary restrictions. However repeat or severe violations can result in loss of all rank and privileges, eviction from the org, possibly disavowed/bountied as a traitor, maybe even delivered to authorities directly or detained until such time as it is possible to do so. In a nutshell, we particularly despise “crooked cop” types, so you don’t want to be “that” bad guy (i.e. we hate you long time).

And No Trafficking.

This pertains to any illegal or illicit items, substances, or “commodities” in compliance with UEE law, but in accordance with the Fair Chance Act of 2795, also extends to any sentient being aboard a vessel under your command. Any living creature in your charge had better be an authorized/paid crew member, a voluntary guest, a patient/rescue, a paying passenger, a lawful prisoner, legitimate livestock, or a legal pet. Chaser Inc also does not make any special allowances to this internal policy due to certain UEE alien species affiliations, agreements, or “understandings”. Lastly, as a member of an active security group, there is no reasonable excuse for “stow-aways” or “that’s not mine” on your ship. If you’re found to have intentionally violated this requirement you’re very likely to wind up being someone else’s slave uh “cargo”, yourself.

Official Exception to Rule of Law: a.k.a. “War is Hell”.

Events may arise that Chaser Inc as a collective entity and in an official capacity may itself conduct or contract with other such groups to perform work or operations that may run contrary to otherwise normal legal considerations. Particular local legal and enforcement systems, conflicting business agreements, or opposing organizational interests may occur and will be subject to official consideration and review prior to acceptance or engagement. However under no circumstances is any individual member, agent, party, or affiliate of Chaser Inc authorized to accept, conduct, incite, or participate in any such activity utilizing Chaser Inc assets, personnel, or property, without the express official sanction of Chaser Inc as a whole. In other words, if the org goes to war, it will be because the org decides to do so.

No cheating, hacking, or griefing.

Just in case it needs to be said, any of these are considered completely unacceptable and will likewise not be tolerated period. Not only will you be out of the org immediately and permanently, but be advised that we will encourage and assist RSI/CIG in every way possible to ensure justice is served. Most likely Chaser Inc as a group will from time to time be in conflict with others, and in appreciating PvP through legitimate targets, we ourselves will likely break things and hurt people (uh, characters), but we will always strive to do so within the rules first and foremost. Griefing is not simply “Git Gud PvP”, engaging other players for the sole purpose of annoying, trolling, harassing, and/or tormenting someone else is bad for the game as a whole, and just plain asinine and immature. Targeting griefers however, as with other “bad guys”, will always be considered good sport (Griefing said griefers may even be considered acceptable. Not really. Well maybe. Sometimes.). Seriously though, if you’re really not sure if something is OK as far as the org is concerned, please talk to the “boss” or other member of leadership first.

Alternate accounts, characters, organizations, and affiliations –

This is a game, we’re all here to have fun, and if you have other friends or an extra persona that “don’t quite go with” Chaser Inc directly that is perfectly OK. However we will insist that you be honest with us and yourself about how you balance your “other” play-style, behaviors, and/or associations; if any situation arises (or just may arise) that even might adversely affect Chaser Inc’s activities or reputation (such as obvious criminal activity or other direct competition or opposition), you will be asked to choose one or the other. Lastly be aware that while espionage, sabotage, insurgency, counter-agency etc may take place in the course of Chaser Inc’s normal paramilitary gameplay against our own adversaries, it will not be tolerated within our own ranks against our organization, its interests, its members, or those of our “official” allies and affiliates.

Note: All of the preceding is subject to review and amendment in the future as necessary. Particular items such as profit and resource sharing, asset distribution and organizational hangar access, as well as others will be addressed as functionality becomes available.