Children of Smoke / CHILD

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy

The smoke will guide, shelter, and empower us. We will know true strength, united in the white shroud… even among the stars. Reaching and taking whatever we encompass…


Born in the stars long ago, the Children of Smoke bear roots in many gods of mystery and shadows. Through these ancient faiths, humanity came about under the guidance of a prophet. This has transcended to worshiping the many gasses that make up the universe, the All-Encompassing Smoke.

As we strive to encompass the ideals and presence of a devouring smoke, we fight and take what we wish and how we wish, deeming allies to be harbored within, while absorbing and smothering those who oppose us.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith.

  1. Worship the Smoke, the All-Encompassing, in whatever manner you see fit. Do not, however, betray your fellow Children in this.
  2. Cast away traitors, lest you be included in their treachery. The Smoke shall guide those who ensure peace among our ranks.
  3. Respect your elder Children and ensure you carry our Faith in good name.
  4. Defeat our foes without mercy or bring them into our fold and smother them with the loving embrace. All will one day join us on our voyage.


We, as the Children of Smoke, shall never forget our Charter.

  • No member shall go unheard.
  • The leaders of our faith are wise, but may be removed if they are foolish and misguide the lower members of the Faith.
  • For all our allies, we will have more enemies. This is the way of the Smoke.
  • Do not fear your work, for the Smoke justifies all. Take what you must and do what you can to promote our cause.
  • Dare not speak Blasphemy against your brothers and sisters without reason, or face consequences befitting your mistake.