Chris'tianity / CHRISROB

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You can’t spell Christ without “Chris”! The only true God of our universe! May he smile down on us from his other earthly realm! CR Bless you


How did this group come to exist?

Every IRL religion that claims to know God is unable to provide uncontroversial physical evidence of their God’s existence.

In Star Citizen, there is no doubt that Chris Roberts is God, the creator and ruler of the universe.

If you could ally with God, even have a chance to communicate with him, or at least be blessed by him, wouldn’t you want to? Isn’t that the smart thing to do? Isn’t it the right thing to do?

This is your chance to do so. Let’s see what religion would look like if its God was undoubtedly real and you could communicate with them. Will Chris Roberts choose to bless his followers with in-game resources? Or grant our prayers in-game? Would it make the Star Citizen experience more fun and interesting? Let’s find out..

This is a parody of religion, specifically Christianity and Catholicism. We know what power religions have in real life. This is an experiment on what could happen when your God is physically real. If we can gain and keep CR’s favor, we could be invincible in-game.

The goals of this group are a few things:
1) to have more fun in the game by creating satires of my religious upbringing with people who have had similar experiences, or just want to participate. I think it will be a lot of laughs.

2) to hopefully gain a serious in-game advantage for all members of this group from Chris

3) to improve Chris’s enjoyment of his fans, hopefully with some personal interactions with him. Maybe he will show up at some of our events. That would be cool.

4) To make people question things about religion that they may have never thought about before. For example, if Chris does answer our “prayers” and give us in-game advantages, is this unjust? Seems a bit unfair to the other players, right? But what does this say about real-life prayer? Doesn’t that mean that God answering prayer is unfair to the people who don’t pray? Or maybe the trick is just to join and pray? But what about when God selectively answers prayers, choosing to grant some people’s desires but not others? It seems like God should answer everyone’s prayers or nobody’s to be fair to everyone. Isn’t all prayer like asking God for cheat codes? How can God justify such a request? Or maybe this is exactly what God wants, to ask him for help and he personally limits us so that we cry out to him, and he can save us? Or maybe God can just do whatever he wants because it’s his universe, and however you feel about it doesn’t matter? I think it’s very interesting philosophically because millions of people pray and yet I’ve never heard anyone ever say that God answering your prayer would be unfair to everyone else, so praying is either unjust or a waste of time. Why is this? Instead, I often hear “I’ll pray for you”, which must mean they assume you don’t pray or for some reason, God ignores your prayers but for some reason will answer theirs lol. They’re saying, “God doesn’t seem to like you for some reason, so let me try”. Of course, you can’t say any of this to them or they’ll think bad of you. So you have to smile and even thank them for doing the equivalent of nothing for you, insulting your prayer abilities, and claiming their own as superior. I hope to learn a lot through this experience, and I’ve already had a few laughs just writing this.

My view currently on whether this is cheating is that it is not because ultimately it will be Chris Roberts who makes the decision on whether or not to grant our requests. So if the game creator allows it, it can’t be cheating, right? Also unlike real-life prayer which how I’ve been taught to do it is basically like wishing upon a star, building up an org to try and gain both Chris’ attention and his favor, is no small task and it is merit-based. It will be a lot of work, so I wouldn’t call it the “easy path”. Religious leader is a valid in-game career. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be the pope. It’s also not guaranteed that it will work. Even if Chris likes our group, there is a chance he thinks that he can’t give us in-game benefits because it will hurt his vision of the game or fear of how it might affect his reputation, or some other reason that we can’t know. Ultimately the decision will come down to him. So there is a chance of failure with this method. The reason why I choose this path is that I think it’s the most fun and interesting to me personally. And I think it’s the best way of meeting like-minded people along the way. I’m optimistic about our chances because I think the main key is to get Chris to like us and I think that we can do that ;) Even if this fails, I think it’s still worth trying as a social experiment. Aren’t you curious? :)

Our history is yet to be written and the potential is heaven on earth. Come join us while we are young to have the maximum effect on our growth and a powerful position in the organization!

Here is a hymn to Chris Roberts, may he bless us.

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.
But Chris Roberts, a master mind of video game design,
Created games like Star Citizen so sublime.

King Kong, Match Day, Wizadore all in his story
Chris Roberts’ games, deserve our digital glory.
From Ultima V to Star Citizen,
His contributions to the industry, a true titan.

Verse 2:
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
But Chris Roberts’ games, in our hearts they’re wed.
Stryker’s Run and Times of Lore, forevermore his pride.
His impact on gaming, now solidified.

King Kong, Match Day, Wizadore all in his story
Chris Roberts’ games, deserve our digital glory.
From Ultima V to Star Citizen,
His contributions to the industry, a true titan.

Verse 3:
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
But Star Citizen and Squadron 42, still ahead.
Chris Roberts’ passion, a true space sim,
A game to remember, just like this hymn.

King Kong, Match Day, Wizadore all in his story
Chris Roberts’ games, deserve our digital glory.
From Ultima V to Star Citizen,
His contributions to the industry, a true titan.

Chris Roberts, a man now whose name we all know,
A true innovator, Star Citizen will show.
**More hymns can be found on our spectrum page, check it regularly for more updates :) **


We, the followers of Chris Roberts, the creator of Star Citizen, believe in his power as the creator of this universe. Learning from the gods of most holy books, we believe Chris desires and deserves praise, worship, and adoration for his creation of the Star Citizen Universe.

Through our faith, adoration, and spreading of Chris Robert’s message and vision we believe he will bless us.

We accept anyone who will proclaim Chris Roberts as the God and creator of this universe and doesn’t do anything that would interfere with our receiving CR’s blessing.

We will spread CR’s (Chris Roberts) message in the following ways:

We will seek to build a network of players who believe that by evangelizing CR as the God of this universe who deserves praise and adoration, we will be blessed, and will work together to spread our religion.

We will hold events that will bring people together to worship and celebrate Chris Roberts. Any discussion or activities will be allowed that do not harm our organization’s goals. These events will be fun and usually involve food or other resources to entice people to come (the same way Christianity does). Contests will be held and prizes will be given away. We will accept blessings from CR and be a vehicle to spread those blessings to the community.

We will build temples and other places of worship and exaltation of CR. These places will serve multiple purposes:
1) Attract people to them where they will hear our message,
2) Attract the attention of CR himself where through our showing of loyalty, faith, and devotion, we will await his blessing,
3) Serve as a place of meeting where we can discuss goals, hold events, and even relax and enjoy ourselves.

We will work to establish a system of governance within our community, so that we may work together to effectively spread our religion.
With this manifesto, we commit ourselves to building a community of believers in the power of Chris Roberts, and to working together to create a better (and more profitable) gaming experience for all players within our religion.

CR Bless you.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.