Crucial Intergalactic Recovery And Security / CIRAS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Whatever system you may be in… searching or adrift. In need of a hand or salvation. We at C.I.R.A.S are here to assist.


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We here at C.I.R.A.S pride ourselves on following our contracts to the letter. If you are looking for a sound and experienced fleet of ships and staff that can provide the top most quality security, reclamation, or search and rescue, then look no further. Our organization has a staff and fleet of ships to fit any and all missions and budgets. Our staff prides itself on its professionalism, honesty, and quality of service.
Weather you are salvaging a derelict ship, or charting unknown space, we are here to help alleviate any and all concerns you may have while you navigate the deepest and darkest corners of the void.
We are here to keep your crew, fleet, and work safe and running at the utmost optimal pace, and on budget no matter what situation may arise.
There is no mission or contract that C.I.R.A.S can not handle. From high quality medical/search and rescue contracts, extra cargo hauling, data transport, exploration security, ship reclamation, or state of the art civilian combat support. Look no further for we are here to be the sword and shield in the cold black reaches of the verse.



In one piece… That’s our concern and your job. For the sake of our clients and those in our employ, Safety is key. h2. Packages We are a network of Freelancers, Bounty Hunters, Salvagers, EMTs, Mechanics, Explorers and Scouts.
  • Each Job requires a specific load-out and or team. No job will be accepted if not given approval by a CIRAS Partner or Chief Officer.
  • Jobs involving explicit material, contraband or recovery of said items/cargo/persons will be denied.
  • Freelanced jobs outside of CIRAS involving nefarious intent* and or questionable focus are not condoned by CIRAS. Information of said activities may result in termination of current or future contracts.
  • All jobs may be subject to review by an official CIRAS Partner or Officer.
    If it looks, smells or feels wrong… you get the drift.

Let’s keep each other and our clients safe out there. Make a living doing what we’re good at and expand our passions through meticulous steps for each contract. The verse is vast. Unfamiliar at times. We’re all here to make it a little more cozy.

Founder, CIRAS