Space Expedition Corps / CITIZENSEC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Exploration

The Space Expedition Corps or sXc Is a structured force that seeks to provide its members with all the verse has to offer. Combat – Mining – Trade – Exploration – Good ole fashion fun!


Member of the following Alliances

*G-Comms Alliance

*Cognition Corp Group


Mar 11, 2015: Communications Update
  • GroupMe APP setup for better communication with members
Mar 7, 2015: Positions Update
  • Command Office Positions added to list of open positions
  • Now Seeking Recruiter’s
  • Now Seeking Branding Experts
  • Now Seeking Diplomats
  • Now Seeking Ship Crew
  • Now Seeking Ground Team Members and Leaders
    **All personnel paid with beer and cookies
Mar 3, 2015: Major branding update in progress.
  • Charter has been reduced/altered to a more informative and quicker read.
  • New sXc logo has been uploaded ( may yet be revised)
  • Titles and positions updated/renamed
  • More to come!

Feb 17, 2015: In an effort to ensure the organization remains a unique entity, the short name or acronym has been changed from S.E.C. to SXC (pronounced sek-sē). New logos and such will be following.

Feb 10, 2015: website work is in progress. I am utilizing a design from my EvE days, so pardon the images from another universe. Also by no means should anyone consider the information currently on the website, accurate in content, spelling and/or grammar.

Feb 8, 2015: Recruiting open. It was decided that the S.E.C. is at a point in which recruiting can begin in earnest. The goal is to bring in members to begin filling positions within the structure and begin long term organization and planing.

Jan 1,17 20015: Organization Update in progress. New year, new mission, new fun times.

Dec 4, 2014: Organization Charter Update Started

Nov 20, 2014: Organization Update In progress, and recruitment started.

Aug 21, 2013 : C-sec Founded



Organizations, guilds, clans, what ever you care to call them, all exist to allow for some access or advantage that you are otherwise unable to obtain by your self. It is my belief that an Organization and its members should be much more than that. There exists within Star Citizen the opportunity to be more than a player fumbling through a game. I intend to establish and maintain an Organization in which its members stand by each other in combat, and share in all the wealth the universe has to offer. It is the goal of this organization to provide its members with the opportunity to have fun, make credits and for all we do to be Easy, Effective and Efficient.


There is something to be said for structure, and organization. It is a vital part of any organized groups success. sXc is no exception to this and thus has developed a comprehensive plan and table of organization.

However… While we have the desire to be a large organization and community at this time we are not so. It is because of this fact that we have chosen to instead follow a dynamic organization model that will grow as the organization its self does. The following is the account of and thought process behind the dynamic model.

1) From the Ground up.

Breaking down any group to its most basic level always brings you to the same point regardless of the groups mission/directive. “People” People are the post important part of sXc. With that in mid we are structuring from the ground up. Each new member brings new ships, ideas, and personal goals into sXc.

2) Bringing people together.

Its all good and well to have a bunch of people doing a bunch of stuff together, but that will not accomplish large goals easily, effectively, or efficiently. To tackle this each member may choose a primary and secondary, or two secondary specialties. What it amounts too is that if you are a ships captain, and no crew are available, there is something else you can do, are trained to do, and enjoy doing.

  • 2a) Primary specialties are activities/tasks/positions which would generally be considered leadership.
    IE Captain of your multi-crew ship, Ground Combat Team leader, Task Force Admiral, Fighter Pilot, etc. (your only allowed to choose one because you simply can not be captain, etc twice over.)

  • 2b) Secondary Specialties are positions which require less thought and more action.
    GCT members, ships crew, cannon fodder, bait, etc.

3) Chain Of Command.

Anarchy is not the goal, but neither is a strict dictatorship with no one else having any power or position. It works like this I “Schon Kovsky” sit in a big chair at a round table with the organization officers. Every officer has a voice to me and every other member a voice to every officer. It is not my desire to sit on a throne, however at the end of any discussion my word is final. If any member can not respect my officers or myself they will be asked to leave.

4) Ranks are cool

Well have some of those. I am hesitant to be specific as we all hope there will be an in game method for assigning organization titles/ranks. As the system is limited at this time the only real distinction is Member and Officer.

5) Growth.

Right now we are organized as 1 Task Force with the following ships (Starfarer, Retaliator, Carrack, Orion, Reclaimer, Andromeda) The current recruiting goal is to fill crew positions on this ship, as well as recruiting dedicated GCT members. We will of coarse welcome people who want to be there own captain, especially if they have there own crew members. Fighter pilots are welcome as well, however understand our goal is not to end up with more ships on the field than we can possibly crew effectively. As the member base increases more task forces will be added, and more defined roles may be assigned to each task force.

————Command Office—————-

Leader/Founder Schon Kovsky

Fleet Admiral khJet

Logistics Coordinator Texas

Diplomatic Officer Position’s Available

Recruiter Position’s Available

Graphics/Branding/Web Position’s Available

—————— Task Force One————————

X.C.S. “to be named”

*Class: Reclaimer
*Role: Salvage / Operational Support
*Captain: Position Open
*Crew: 4x Position Open

X.C.S. “to be named”

*Class: Orion
*Role: Mining / Operational Support
*Captain: khJet
*Crew: 4x Position Open

X.C.S. “to be named”

*Class: Retaliator
*Role: Space Superiority / Combat Support
*Captain: [redacted]
*Ship Crew: Cottontop, Position’s Available
*Combat Team: Position’s Available

X.C.S. “to be named”

*Class: Carrack
*Role: Scouting / Operation Support / Combat Support
*Captain: Kocsky
*Crew: 5x crew positions Open

X.C.S. “to be named”
