Cossack Legion : Private Military Corps / CLN

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Security

A Paramilitary Corporation, Open to All Willing to Apply.


November – 2942

  • Assigned under the codename [REDACTED], preliminary members are stationed in a distant sector and are stationed to fight an ongoing civil war as advanced recon and shock troopers.

January – 2943

  • The first schism. Legionaries are pitted against Legionaries, as political rivalries force many comrades into exile.

June – 2943

  • The Cossack Imperium is formed under direct orders from High Command. Naval forces are mustered and many shock troopers are redeployed as marines on board fleet vessels.

December – 2943

  • Omega Company is disbanded, under their commander Minotaur’s approval, they are folded into the Imperium.

January – 2944

  • Political warfare once again strikes Legionaries across the verse. On the fringe of Civil War, the Cossack Imperium is reinstituted as the Cossack Legion. Leaving many members behind, the Corporation forged in political turmoil, secedes from the Imperium.

February – 2944

  • Multiple prior Omega Company personnel, in lieu of unsanctioned acts against the Legion’s Charter, resign to evade court martial.

  • Member count drops substantially on behalf of specialised recruiting.

  • Commander in Chief, Jal Calan, is impeached and removed from position after Military Investigation. Opts for an Honourable Discharge instead of accepting a lesser position.

  • Commander in Chief, Stryker92, takes the helm of the Cossack Legion. Reconstruction of the organisation begins immediately.

March – 2944

  • Omega Company is reformed, an uneasy alliance known as the Union of Conglomerate Sovereignties is constructed between the Cossack Legion and the Company. As a result of the foundation of the U.C.S. the Cossack Legion narrows its expertise to a paramilitary corporation


Do not fail.
Do not relent.
Do not compromise.

We at the CLN believe that our contracts are a service of the utmost importance to all denizens of the ‘verse. We recover the criminals with bounties on their return. We transport and protect VIP’s through dangerous sectors. We will haul or escort any legal cargo for the right price. The contracts we take are the lifeblood and passion of our organization; our clients are the will.

“Is it better to be feared or respected? Is it too much to ask for both?” – Anonymous


Orders of the Commandant.

Standing Orders:
  1. All personnel are to be respected.
  2. All personnel will show respect to their competition.
  3. All personnel will represent the organisation at it’s prime at all times.
  4. All personnel will complete their contract to the fullest.
  5. All personnel are not permitted to die unless previously authorised.
Rules of Engagement:
  1. Execution is the final solution with pirates.
  2. Engage if presented with opposition.
  3. Annihilate if presented with a threat.