160th Rebellion / CLX

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Trading


The Elysium System, 2940:

A massive Vanduul marauder fleet threatens the beleaguered human settlements on Elysium IV. A neglected colony on the Imperial frontier, the planet is helpless to defend itself.

The UEE Navy’s elite 18th Battle Fleet holds a position in nearby Chronos System. Bribed to inaction by members of a corrupt senatorial committee, the Grand Admiral turns a deaf ear to the pleas of Elysium IV’s doomed citizens. The fleet holds station in protection of the hopeless Synthworld Project and five hundred million humans are abandoned to die.

In defiance of direct orders, Admiral William Kelcey detaches his 160th Carrier Wing to defend Elysium IV. Though Kelcey’s forces are decimated in the effort, their surprise attack on the Vanduul fleet saves the planet from alien depredation. A rebellion is born.

Unsecured Space, the present day:

The men and women of the 160th are ruthlessly hunted by Imperial forces and private bounty hunters funded from bottomless private Senatorial warchests. Surviving by guile, daring raids on Imperial supply lines and the generosity and goodwill of the colonists they once defended, the tattered Eagle Banner draws freedom fighters, subversives and malcontents from across the empire. Kelcey’s force is now known simply as CLX – a band of desperate idealists determined to reboot human civilization from first principles in the free reaches of unknown space.


CLX is a separatist organization, disillusioned with the UEE and committed to establishing sovereign territory in unprotected space from Day 1.

Our membership is democratic, egalitarian and driven to succeed at the highest level of competitive gameplay. We’re characterized by:

We don’t just play the game, we shape the game.
We offer the opportunity to collaborate in pursuit of distinctive and ambitious goals woven directly into the lore and canon of the Persistent Universe. We fuse story-driven gameplay, PvP combat, economic maneuvering and political machination seamlessly in pursuit of the mission.

Core-competency in space PvP.
Our membership includes a large contingent of veterans with experience in space PvP games ranging from Allegiance to Black Prophecy to Jump to Lightspeed. We’ve been executing squad-based space PvP operations for years and are eager to both share and broaden our skill base.

A distinctive and empowering organizational model.
Our unique system of interconnected outfits provides members a wide array of gameplay options, the chance to carve out your own leadership niche from day one and a small-guild sense of community without sacrificing big-guild amenities and power.

The best possible support and resources
We have active and dynamic forums, a TeamSpeak server and custom app development to support CLX member efforts. We plan to hit the DFM hard when it’s ready, but until then we’re keeping sharp with games like Planetside 2, Arma 2, WarThunder and TOR Galactic Starfighter.

If you’d like to learn more about us, interact with our members or apply for membership, please visit our profile thread on the RSI Organizations forum.

Note to candidates – If you submit an application through this portal directly, keep an eye on your RSI mailbox! We will be in touch as quickly as we can to schedule an interview.


CLX is a separatist organization, disillusioned with the UEE and committed to establishing sovereign territory in unprotected space from Day 1.

We might be the organization for you if:

You have a PvP-positive attitude.
You needn’t be a combatant yourself, but you understand that PvP gameplay is a high priority for the guild and one of the foremost tools that we’ll use to impact the game environment.

You’re comfortable with narrative-driven, lore-based gameplay.
CLX mission and goals are woven into and derived from the lore of the Persistent Universe. You accept and appreciate that major guild initiatives will be contextually relevant.

You like taking risks.
We’re a separatist organization committed to carving out a living in non-protected space. Bad Things are going to happen – sometimes to us, and more often to our opposition. This is at the heart of the fun.

You’re more committed than casual.
Our core membership is deeply invested in advancing the CLX mission. That fosters a culture of urgency you should expect to manifest in your gameplay experience.

If you’d like to learn more about us, interact with our members or apply for membership, please visit our profile thread on the RSI Organizations forum.

Note to candidates – If you submit an application through this portal directly, keep an eye on your RSI mailbox! We will be in touch as quickly as we can to schedule an interview.