Cosmic Order of Freelancers / COFL

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

The Cosmic Order of Freelancers is an organization dating back to the Anti-Messer era. Through out the years the Order has suvived on the concept of taking on all contracts for a fair price.


The history of the Cosmic Order of Freelancers to this point dates back to the Anti-Messer era. Small bits of information have been found that suggest the order may be even older. While the information is minimal it does suggest that the order may have been involved in some high profile events. With the concept of (accepting all types of contracts) information on the order is beleived to be widely scattered through out the systems. It is known that the order has accepted contracts from individuals, companies and governments. It appears their fair price concept has served them well. Information on the number of individuals in the order at any given time has been hard to compile. Currently it is thought to be a range from one to a a couple of dozen members. The small member numbers is thought to be due to the strick code of conduct the order lives by.


The manifesto of the Cosmic Order of Freelancers is simple and straight forward. The Order is lawful, respectful, honorable and helpful in time of need. At times a member may touch the gray area with the law however they are on their own. If caught a member is expected to serve their time to the fullest and repay their debt to society. MAN UP! Exploration to the Order means exploring all contract types such as bounty hunting, mining, trasnport, deliveries, security, security escort, medical, data transfer virtually any aspect in the system. Need someone to walk your dog or bring you toast call us we will give you a price.


1 All members of the order will be mature in nature. Age is not as important as maturity. Respect, honor and good will shall be required.

2 No member shall exhibit any type of attitude that is considered immature by the order ( such as griefing, trolling, absusive, disrespectful, racist, sexist, dishonorable, excessive foul language.

3 All major disagreements between members will be handled thru other channels and not in Star Citizen. A healthy debate is allowed.

4 If a member breaks any rule of the Charter a Council of Members will investigate and apply approiate measures against said member.

5 If a member is hit with a crime stat, said member will seek out other members for punishment if other members are available. The member in question is expected to serve jail time to the fullest. Removal of crime stat thru hacking can only be done if the crime stat was accidental or a mistake made by law enforcement. In this case if other members are available they can assist in the removal short of breaking the law again.

6 A member is free to accept any and all contracts they wish and keep any funds they gain from said contract.

7 If members team up for a contract, a money value will be agreed upon by the majority of members of the team as to the split for each member. The split is expected to be paid as agreed to. Any disagreements will be handled by the Council and their decision is final.

8 The ship is your life as such member crews are expected to share in ship cost. This can be agreed to by a majority of the crew before or after the contract is complete. Owner/Pilot of the ship has the right to exempt the crew from cost if they so desire.

9 If a contract comes to the order as a whole and requires multiple ships and crew the Council will vet all members to collect the best qualified and equiped members and ships that are in 100% working order and equiped for the contract. The council will determine a fair price to be charged for the contract and will determine the split for crew. Crew split will be determined after ship expences. All ships will be restored to previous state before the contract. Any disagreements involving the contract will be addressed by the Council and the crew involved. If a solution can not be reached then the matter will go before the Founder. The Founder will look at the data and make a decision which will be final.

10 All issues not solved by the Council will go before the Founder the Founder will examine available data and make a decision which is final. The Founder shall appoint Council members. A minimum of 3 Council members will be appointed.

11 Real life comes first.

12 The Order will hold meettings as needed. All members will be contacted and a date favorable to all will be set for the meeting.