Centre Of Gravity / COGCLAN

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Trading

Centre Of Gravity extends a warm welcome to you. We have many employment opportunities for newcomers. For more information, inquire with your local recruitment officer who can be found on our Discord.

Center of Gravity is a part of Combat Oriented Gamers



Centre of Gravity is a Subgroup of “Combat Oriented Gamers”. This group is dedicated to Star Citizen loving Members.

Combat Oriented Gamers has been around for 15 year. We currently have over 200 members. Alot of the members have know each other for years, ingame and IRL. The Group often organises Member Catchups in different major Cities. If your interested in becoming apart of our community please dont hesitate to join our Discord and start making new friends for life.


Perfect’s Rise To Power

The founder of Center Of Gravity, Perfect was born in 2914 on Terra. He lived a busy and adventurous life, and as a boy spent much of his spare time in space hunting bounties, and joining his mates in expeditions into undiscovered sectors and thus he developed his skills of space combat.

He won a scholarship which gave him entry into the UEE, where he fought Vanduul and served for many years. He tried out his ideas of training soldiers and teaching them how to develop their skills in stalking and fending for themselves as well as being observant of their surroundings and would give them an advantage as soldiers. He set down his ideas in the book Center Of Gravity: Living it big in space, which was used as a textbook and guide for many years.

Centre of Gravity.

Whispers trickle back to the Centre like the endless spill of raindrops down the windscreen of Amityr’s Buggy windscreen. Quietly waiting, sipping from her well worn RSI Class II spacesuit helmet water tube, Amityr considered her options. After this drop, she could transmit the anomaly location and complete the deal. With this done and the rest of the team focused on finding the closest CoG ship and mapping the fastest route to the anomaly, there would be a small window of time when it would be possible for her slip away.

Who was she kidding? Everyone knows that there is no out. No place where Gravity leaves you be. You might feel like you are in true free fall, but somewhere, beneath the resolution of your finest instruments, there is a tidal force tugging. For someone in Amityr’s line of work – specifically piracy, smuggling, mercenary soldiering and general shadiness – that force is the Centre. The Centre of Gravity. Many have tried to escape the pull of that most persistent, insistent group, but who ever heard of someone succeeding? What Amityr had heard of – she thought as the UEE scoutship flew over her just below cloud level, preceeded by a sonic boom and a visible shockwave in the heavy, constant rain – was all the people who didn’t make it, and what happened to them when the Centre of Gravity caught up with them.

The UEE scoutship ejected the beacon as the intel had told her it would. The small black ovoid dropped on a parabolic arc towards the muddy plain until a parachute opened, arresting its graceful trajectory and slowing it considerably. The UEE thought they were being clever with this valuable information. Rather than transmit the location of the recently discovered anomaly and risk interception, or drop a pre-loaded beacon containing the info in space for a pre-arranged patrol to pick up, they shot it into the atmosphere of this shitty, rainy, un-populated chunk of mud out near an old Red Dwarf star due to engulf the whole system during its next expansion phase. In space there would be a very small chance the beacon might be detected by someone sweeping the system, but no one was going to be looking closely at this chunk of mud. Unless of course, they had been told in advance.

The beacon wobbled and slowly rotated beneath the chute as Amityr started the buggy and headed straight for where she predicted it would land.


General Rules and Expectations

All Fleet members will, at all times, represent Center of Gravity and display their allegiance through the use of proper CoG tags (avatars, signatures, etc.). This requirement extends to both the RSI and SCB forums, as well as IRC, Teamspeak, and any other public or private communications mediums. Members are granted the right to rationally and maturely defend themselves, The Center of Gravity, other Center of Gravity members, and our allies from any defamatory, derogatory, disrespectful, or otherwise negative remarks wherever and whenever appropriate. It is important to note, however that members are still expected to act in a manner that will reflect positively not only upon themselves, but, by association, Center of Gravity. Members are cautioned to not take important matters related to Center of Gravity into their own hands and are expected to refrain from making any comments or decisions that have not been previously approved by appropriate ranking Staff officers. Members are charged with maintaining the integrity and privacy of information found within Center of Gravity’s secure forums. Think OPSEC! Issues and concerns regarding any CoG decisions, members, and allies must be, as soon as possible, brought to the attention of the Officer or Staff member, in private (offline), who is next in your immediate chain of command. Members will avoid public confrontations or internal arguments at all costs as it reflects poorly upon not only you, but also upon Center of Gravity. Members will respect one another and show each other kindness, understanding, tolerance, and patience. At all times, members of Center of Gravity will show respect to officers by listening to them and following their lead. NEVER undermine the authority of a ranking member. Absolutely no racism, sexism, or any other forms of prejudice will be tolerated. Do not, under any circumstance, reply to attacks or topics about Center of Gravity on the RSI forums. This is a Zero-tolerance rule and breaking it will result in either immediate dismissal from Center of Gravity or will be dealt with as a duly designated officer sees fit.

Fleet Rules and Guidelines:

All members will, at all times, represent their allegiance to Center of Gravity through the use of proper Imperium tags or other approved symbols. Under no circumstances can any Center of Gravity member be a member of another fleet. Members are granted the right to defend themselves, Center of Gravity, other fleet members, and our allies from any acts of aggression that may take place. Under no circumstances will it be deemed acceptable to engage allied forces. Cheating and exploitation, whether through the use of third party programs or bugs found within the game, are highly unacceptable. Center of Gravity members should take initiative and engage in tasks assigned to their division. Members will follow the lead of their division officer / command team and complete assigned tasks. Members should take initiative and engage, when appropriate, in tasks assigned to other divisions. When working with another division, you are expected to adhere to their policies and protocols and to follow the lead of that particular division’s command team.

Teamspeak (TS) Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines:

No mic spamming. No chatbox spamming. No excessive private messaging or poking of officers. Officers will get back to you when time permits. Do not give out any Fleet Teamspeak info to anyone who is not a member unless given explicit permission or direction to do so by an officer. If someone else is speaking, allow them to finish. Keep chat and links appropriate to the channel. Less civilized, not-exactly-appropriate, conversations should be moved to a designated channel. Stick to the appropriately assigned TS channels for your current game or activity. i.e. When playing Star Citizen do not form up in the Battlefield channel. Treat all guests with a welcoming and respectful attitude. Refer to General Rules listed above.