The Companions / COMPANION

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Companions are freelance organisation of bounty hunters, first responders and escorts, with an aim to provide support services to the good, everyday citizens.

Everything honourable is voluntary[…] What is not free cannot be honourable, for if it is afraid it is a slave.
- Seneca’s Letters 66:16


Over the millennia, People of all races have sworn fealty to leaders, countries and governments – empires of the self-interest of politicians, warmongers and plunderers. In this last passing era, Messer’s reign crushed the freedoms of many men and women who wanted only freedom to be as they desired. We see a different way, and instead of oaths to empire, we swore free oaths to each other. Thus began the Companions, who made a choice not to enslaves themselves to empire, but rather freely chose serve the good of the whole.

Since that time many an empire have viewed the Companions in many different ways – from beacons of hope, to anarchists against the machinations of power. And that is because they all know one thing: Companions may sometimes fight alongside an empire, but they will always fight for the people.


Companions are there to serve as protectors of the good. Our main operations are around bounty hunting, combat search and rescue and escort services. We venture into the black not to earn coin, but to make the darkness just a little brighter. Like a PMC, we can be freelanced, but Companions are bound to greater good, and we will not kill in anyone’s name or protect warlords and tyrants. We’re peacekeepers, but we know that sometimes the protection of good involves the use of force.

Companions are free folk who chose to uphold virtuous fellowship, not because any law requires them to, but because with ultimate freedom comes the ultimate choice to do good. Companions are united only by an oath to each other to hold a torch in the deep darkness of space. As the philosopher Seneca once said, “If someone has everything else — health, wealth, many ancestral busts, a crowded foyer — but is admittedly bad, then you will disapprove of him. Similarly, if someone has none of the things I have mentioned, if he is lacking in money, in clients, in the nobility which derives from a long string of ancestors — but is admittedly good, then you will approve of him. Therefore, the sole good of a [any] being is that which, by its possession, makes him praiseworthy even if he is bereft of the rest and which by its absence causes condemnation and rejection despite an abundance of everything else.” (Seneca’s Letters 76:12). Such is the life of a Companion.


Despite the flavour text, we’re a casual organisation, there’s no required play time, there’s no amount of experience or whatever. We understand that everyone has a life outside Star Citizen that’s far more impoortant. The first rule of being a Companion is to have fun, and don’t take it to seriously.


Companionship rests upon three equally important pillars, Freedom, Service, and Virtue.

As a Companion you are free to do what tasks you do in the verse, and to join any other organization, however Companionship is also the highest oath of service to your fellow Companions, one that must be respected with your words and your actions. Companionship is also an act of virtue, and an exercise in Wisdom, Justice and Love. As such Companions are expected to help those in need, Companion or not, should they see them in the verse.

There are no steadfast laws for Companions, as our pillars and virtues should be your guide. If a Companion is suspected of being less then his oath calls him to, the Wardens will convene and decide any further action.

That said, it is considered important that Companions
1. Honour your fellow Companions first and foremost with your respect, and a gift of your time and consideration.
2. Harm not the innocent, nor the weak. Instead come to their aid and protect them.
3. Represent the ideals of Companionship at all times.

Remember that when others see Companions in the verse, they should be comforted. We are neither police, nor pirates. Neither law, nor anarchy. We are the goodwill of all sentient species, a torch in the deep darkness of space.