Citizens On Patrol / COPATROL

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Operated by former UEE Navy pilots, with a dedicated fleet of capable craft, COP is here to help you. We operate across the entire known jump network, including dangerous systems and warzones. We can escort, secure, rescue, explore, mine, repair, refuel, transport anyone and anything.



Citizens on Patrol is an organisation dedicated to leaving space better than they found it.

COP was founded in 2948 by “Lion”, a former UEE Navy pilot who had collected a respectable fleet of personal craft to be able to tackle a wide variety of jobs. Lion spent the first couple of years as a sole operator, working closely with various contractors. In 2950 he was joined by an ongoing team made up of various other former UEE pilots who knew each other through an extended network of contacts. They seek to trade leaving craters across the galaxy, with leaving a positive impact on its people.

COP initially operated as a licensed PMC within Stanton aiding the UEE, as well as Hurston and Crusader private security forces, in tracking and capturing or destroying individuals operating outside the law. They soon branched out into other areas, particularly the lucrative mining industry in Stanton. Initial mining operations focussed on the Hurston moon of Aberdeen bringing in the highly valuable Hadanite material so sought after in the Staton system.

With the influx of new more permanent operators, many of which brought in their own craft, operations quickly grew in size and scope. COP are already well established in the mercenary space, offering services in escort, rescue, mining and transport, and are geared up to enter frontier industries like mobile repairs, data transport, exploration and more.

To date, COP have successfully brought hundreds of criminals to heel through disrupting illegal mining operations; reclaiming stations and ground installations from various criminal operators; disarming syndicates and disabling commandeered UEE Navy capital ships. In their mining operations, they have claimed many thousands of tonnes of Quantanium, Agricium and Hadanite across the Stanton system for various corporate interests. There are simply too many other successful operations carried out to list them all!

COP stands ready to meet any need of the citizens of the UEE and will take small and large requests at competitive rates.

The COP team:

Bosco Albert “Lion” Scott – Founder, Chairman
Solomon “LilSalmon” Little – Mercenary Operations & Perimeter Defence
Lance “Pathfinder” Path – Bounty Hunting & Tactical Operations
Dom “Wrangy” – Chief Engineer & Head of Industrial Operations
Kirby “KirbyQK” Vance – Data Operations
“Bebs” – Classified


Seek the stars and find a path towards security, stability and prosperity. We undertake to aid all good and law-abiding citizens of the galaxy in all areas. All citizens should have a right to security in their day-to-day lives, stability in their homes and the opportunity to prosper, no matter their race, creed or profession. Through strength and skill we will help to secure the verse against brutal alien threats from without, and opportunistic pirates within. With a versatile fleet and skill set, we will support those who call for our help in all conditions and industries. United, we cannot fail.


Name: “Citizens on Patrol”
Type: PMC
Founded: 2948, Stanton
Founder: Bosco Albert “Lion” Scott, former UEE Navy Captain