Crayven Corporation / CRAYVEN

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Resources

“Building better worlds”



The Crayven Corporation (CC) is an interstellar operating, state independent corporatocracy and police state. It is ruled by a council of technocrats, politicians, lobbyists and a artificial intelligence named “MOTHER”. The Artificial Intelligent protects the constitutional right, in form of the last layer of the legislative and executive branch. The AI refuses and accepts laws, it controls the universal information networks (e.g. cameras, news, …), every electronic device, civil and military personnel, facilities and it’s own drone-army. The AI is a bot network distributed on every device and inside a cluster of super computer space stations.

A democratic system assures that stakeholders, military personnel and civilian employees have a voice. They can vote for their representatives which are send to the higher council and represent their interests.
The CC is a separate company state with own premises (embassies, lands, planets, and space) it also operates in other ruled systems of the UEE. The Stakeholders can’t be charged by the local law enforcement system, but by the CC. Every form of emotional justice, mass murdering, self justice and torture is forbidden and is punished by the death penalty. Gene manipulation, bio hacking and implants with no medical reason are forbidden. Lethal and violent force can only be used by the military or security personnel to enforce the law and interests of the CC.
The system suppresses every form of aggressive, violent or criminal emotions and behaviors with the total control over every stakeholder, the media and the social surroundings.

Quote MOTHER: “When granted great power, one must exercise great control.”


Overall orientation

[LN] – Lawful Neutral
[RP] – Role play is not a requirement for members to participate in
[R&H] – Regular gaming right up to Hardcore gaming
[M&C] – Military structured or civil non structured
[TW] – Intense teamwork
[SD] – Story driven clan


(stakeholder = member)

The Crayven-Corporation (CC) is split in two major stakeholder groups: civilian employees and military personnel.
Every human that is born inside and from a stakeholder of an CC territory is automatically a stakeholder of the CC. Every person that apply’s for a citizenship of the CC, needs to complete a assimilation process of one month. After this time the person is a full stakeholder of the CC. The status of a stakeholder can be taken away by the high court at any time.

Civilian employees

The Civilian personnel does not follow any structured command line. Criminal actions that violate the law of the CC and the UEE will be prosecuted and can result in the loss of the stakeholder status, jail or even death.
It is possible to join the military on any time.

Military personnel

The military system of the CC is organized like every other military. It is possible to reach higher ranks with a longer serving time or with special actions or commitment. It is possible to leave the military and join the civilian personnel at any time, the rank will then be preserved.


Every ship, with more than two crew members has its own commander (e.g. Corvette Commander, Frigate Commander, Station Commander…). The organisation inside these ships is managed by the representative commander. Ships with less than 2 crew members are under command of the actual carrier ship or a general.

  • General
  • Commander
  • Pilot

Rights and obligations

  • Every stakeholder has the obligation to pay taxes, in exchange an employee can request material, ships or personnel support from the corporation.
  • Every military personnel has the obligations to defend the Crayven-Corporation principals, the owned space, the employees and the interests.
  • Military personnel need to follow the chain of command and its given orders.


The constitution:

  1. Every civilian employee or military personnel is a stakeholder of the Crayven-Corporation (CC).
  2. Every stakeholder has the right to live in there own way of life, unless it violates the law.
  3. Every stakeholder have the obligation to follow the core principals of humanity, security, prosperity and progress
  4. Every stakeholder is a part of the system, therefore he must pay a levy to assure the core principals of the corporation.

To be continued …