Crooklyn Cartel / CROOKLYN

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

If a man is dumb, someone is going to get the best of him.
So why not you?
If you don’t, you’re as dumb as he is.

-Arnold Rothstein


Currently in editing

Location of Origin: Ashana
Current State: Nomadic due to destruction by the Olympus Crash
Date of Establishment: During Gold Horizon


The Cartel’s Declaration of the JR Articles Reinstatement

The Declaration

Upon the moment of establishment, the founders declared that the Crooklyn Cartel is a syndicate organization to abide by the code of conduct stated in the famous JR Articles.

The code is to instigate a symbiotic accord among all of those who are not, has not, and will not exhibit actions that betray, dishonor, or denounces the way of the pirate, the way of a free man.

The JR Articles

The JR Articles, is the code of conduct for pirates created by the Cartel’s ancestors many generations ago and was the sole code of conduct obeyed by all pirates until captains one by one abandoned the code to follow a path of belligerent psychotic radicalism.

Those who chose the life of piracy chose it to break the overbearing chains of society to experience what freedom truly is.
Due to the societies distasteful actions, pirates responded with even more distasteful actions as deserved payback, to recover what was stripped from them previously, and to send a message demanding society to end their judgements or prepare for a visit.

The JR Articles exact codes are as follows:

I. Every man shall obey his commander in all respects, as if the ship was his own, and as if he received monthly wages.
II. That no man shall give, or dispose of, the ship’s provisions; but every one shall have an equal share.
III. That no man shall open, or declare to any person or persons, who they are, or what designs they are upon; and any persons so offending shall be punished with immediate death.
IV. That no man shall go on shore till the ship is off the ground, and in readiness to put to sea.
V. The fund of all payments under the articles is the stock of what is gotten by the expedition, following the same law as other pirates, that is, No prey, no pay.
VI. He that shall be found Guilty of Cowardice in the time of engagements, shall suffer what Punishment the Captain and the Majority of the Company shall think fit
VII. If any man shall steal anything from their fellow crew members, with no regard to the relationship of both parties ranks, or from the company, the thief will be marooned. If ever discovered, he shall be shot.
VIII. In the event of cooperation between two captains of different ships and crews, both captains and their crews must respect each others code
of conducts. When an identical subject is ruled upon in both codes, the code to follow will be the one of the higher restriction or punishment. This code should only be practiced during long term cooperation. If practiced for every random short term assistance, then absolutely nothing will get done. It is advised to seek a captain trusted by both parties to oversee the negotiations.

The Reinstatement

Now, the Crooklyn Cartel steps further past the declaration in order to send each and every organization, group, and/or individual that is currently or seeks to follow the way of the pirate, to take up this declaration as their own to preserve the way of the pirate which will bring all pirates to a nirvana state as they will be experiencing true freedom.

The Crooklyn Cartel is very accepting of most, but will not accept as their pirate brethren those who followed the bureaucrat or CEO life misjudging and with their funds, bought themselves and pirate persona. This is betrayal to their true identities and selfish acts which alone are strong reasons for no pirate to trust and accept into their family.


If seeking to join the family do know this,

if you play by societies rules protected by the city officials in order to raise your funds to become a pirate, turn around and run.
if you EVER second guess on becoming a pirate, just leave now.
if you believe at times irrational thinking is rational, we ask you to really consider joining us.
if you just want to do whatever you want (besides anything that would be detrimental towards Cartel operations/efforts), let’s talk about membership.

If you are from another SYNDICATE, please contact an officer to schedule a meeting as soon as possible.
We consider ourselves a green syndicate because we strive for NO PAPER TRAILS.