Coriolis Salvage And Rescue / CSAR

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Free-Contract Armed Salvage, Transport and Crisis Response: Hail CSAR.


Formed from the defunct UEE Task Force Coriolis and VFM-78 “Apostles” in 2941, CSAR moved from its military roots to providing search and rescue services in the Terran spacelanes before branching out into armed salvage, system picket and light transport roles on a per-contract basis.


From its inception, CSAR upholds its primary role of freelance search and rescue, offering downed pilots a lifeline in the dark corners of the shipping lanes. CSAR’s goal is the preservation of pilots’ lives – CSAR pilots will not only rescue you, but will fight their way in and out of the hot zone you’re stuck in.


All CSAR pilots affirm to protect the lives of their fellow citizens of the stars, and to render any and all aid required to bring them home safely. Any salvage obtained during the pursuance of their responsibilities will be considered payment for services rendered. Ancillary duties of bulk transportation, defensive picket, deep exploration or salvage are discretionary and to be considered on an ad-hoc basis, with the caveat that any additional contracts should not interfere with the organisation’s primary mandate.