Centauri SystENT / CSSE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Resources

Welcome to Centauri Systems Enterprise. This company was set up to explore the far reaches of our universe and to gather valuable resources.


Information about the history will be available after approval of the UEE


(Page under construction, make sure to check out the Manifesto and Charter for more information)


Our intentions are to create a corporation where everyone can do what he/she likes. We are focusing on exploration and mining but we still need security (to deal with outlaws, pirates and other people attacking our members), some traders, salvagers and “search and rescue”.
CSSE will accept racers in the company as well.
Centauri Space Systems is not intended to be the biggest Corporation, we want to keep it small so everybody knows each other. With this, CSSE can achieve a better cooperation. No-one needs to be 24/7 active, everyone can choose his/her own activity, you will never be kicked out of the corporation due to inactivity. Although we use a rank-system, every member is treated equally, we are open for initiatives and critics.

Structural view of Centauri Space Systems Enterprise
Our company is divided in different departments. Every department contains 1 Captain, they need to keep track what happens in their Department and report back to the Commodores (Founder, First Officer, Recruiter and Manager)

The Explorers will search for mining sites, Jumppoints and anomalies.

Trading will be a task for the Explorers as well. This Department works closely with the Department of Resources and helps with the transport of the ores/minerals and sell it at the market.

This department deals with the extraction of ores and minerals, when there is time left, they will help searching for new sites and help transporting the ores/minerals to the market

Security is the backbone of CSSE. They are protecting every member of our company, their focus remains at defending Miners and transport.

->Search and Rescue
This department contains the medical staff, and salvagers. They are CSSE’s search and rescue team and this department will take care of the salvaging of wreckages as well.

CSSE would like to support a racing team.

Everyone except the Commodores and Captains can change their role in our company. They do need to notify their Captain if He/She is online.
Ofcourse they can notify a Commodore as well.

For questions about CSSE, contact:

Savorylama (CEO) https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Savorylama


Here, at CSSE, we believe that to achieve maximum profit for our members, we have to make sure there are a very little amount of rules prevent our members to act on their own.

->Don’t attack someone without any sensible reason, CSSE is no pirate guild.
->Members of CSSE can’t be irresponsible.
->Everyone must be respected.

When you notice a member breaks one of these rules, make sure to contact your Captain, the Founder or the First Officer. This matter will then be discussed.

CSSE respects the initiative of every member. When you have an opinion, feel free to discuss.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Any diplomatic activity needs approval from the Founder or First Officer.