Children Of the Watch / CTW

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Welcome to The Children of the Watch. We have dedicated ourselves to upholding the ancient traditions and noble principles of Mandalore.
As devoted protectors and guardians, our organization stands resolute in our commitment to preserving the values that define us.

We Will Restore Mandalore


The Children of the Watch are a faction within the Mandalorians who adhere strictly to the ancient Mandalorian way of life, emphasizing traditions and isolationism. Our origins can be traced back to the Great Purge, a conflict that devastated Mandalore and resulted in the near-extinction of the Mandalorian people.

Following the Great Purge, the Children of the Watch emerged as a splinter group, rejecting any association with the New Mandalorians and their peaceful governance. We vowed to preserve Mandalorian culture and protect our way of life at all costs. The group’s core beliefs include the Mandalorian creed, which emphasizes the importance of foundlings and the code of never removing one’s helmet in front of others.


  1. Loyalty to the Mandalorian Way: As Children of the Watch, we pledge unwavering loyalty to the Mandalorian code and traditions. Our commitment to honor, integrity, and resilience defines our identity.
  1. Protection of Mandalorian Culture: We are entrusted with preserving the rich history and customs of Mandalore. We vow to protect our heritage, language, arts, and traditions, ensuring their continuation for future generations.
  1. Dedication to the Creed: We embrace the Resol’nare, the Mandalorian Creed, as our guiding principle. We shall never remove our helmets in the presence of others, for it represents our devotion to our people and their safety.
  1. Training and Mastery: We commit ourselves to rigorous training, honing our combat skills, and mastering Mandalorian weaponry and tactics. Through discipline and perseverance, we strive to become formidable warriors.
  1. Brotherhood and Unity: We foster a strong sense of camaraderie among fellow Children of the Watch. We support and defend one another, forming an unbreakable bond that transcends individualism.
  1. Defense of the Innocent: We stand as protectors of the weak and oppressed. It is our duty to defend those unable to defend themselves, to ensure justice and peace prevail in Mandalorian society and beyond.
  1. Guardians of Mandalore: We recognize our responsibility as the defenders of Mandalore and its people. We will confront any threat that jeopardizes our homeworld, whether from external forces or internal divisions.
  1. Pursuit of Knowledge: We embrace a lifelong commitment to learning and acquiring wisdom. Through the study of history, philosophy, and the arts, we expand our understanding and contribute to the intellectual legacy of Mandalore.
  1. Adaptability and Innovation: We honor our Mandalorian ancestors by embracing change and innovation. We strive to adapt to new challenges and technologies while preserving the core values that define us.
  1. Legacy and Future: We understand that our actions today shape the Mandalorian legacy for future generations. We will leave behind a Mandalore that is prosperous, strong, and true to its heritage, ensuring a lasting legacy of honor and resilience.

We Will Restore Mandalore To Its Former Greatness…


We, the Children of the Watch, united in our dedication to the Mandalorian code and traditions, hereby establish this charter to guide and govern our actions. With unwavering loyalty, we commit ourselves to the preservation and protection of Mandalorian culture, the defense of our people, and the pursuit of justice and honor. This charter outlines our principles, responsibilities, and the framework through which we operate.

Article 1: Mandate
1.1 Purpose: The Children of the Watch exist to safeguard Mandalorian culture, preserve our traditions, and ensure the security and prosperity of Mandalore and its people.
1.2 Adherence to the Mandalorian Way: We shall uphold and promote the Mandalorian code, embracing its values of strength, honor, loyalty, and resilience.

Article 2: Membership
2.1 Qualifications: Any individual who pledges allegiance to the Mandalorian code, embraces the Resol’nare, and is willing to dedicate themselves to the principles of the Children of the Watch may become a member.
2.2 Unity and Brotherhood: All members shall foster a spirit of unity, mutual support, and respect, forming an unbreakable bond that transcends individual differences.

Article 3: Duties and Responsibilities
3.1 Preservation of Mandalorian Culture: Members shall strive to protect and promote Mandalorian traditions, language, arts, and history, ensuring their continuity for future generations.
3.2 Defense and Protection: Members are duty-bound to defend Mandalore and its people from any threat, be it external or internal, and to protect the innocent from harm.
3.3 Training and Mastery: Members shall engage in rigorous training, continually honing their combat skills, and mastering Mandalorian weaponry and tactics.
3.4 Contribution to the Community: Members shall actively contribute to the welfare and betterment of Mandalorian society, supporting initiatives that foster unity, education, and prosperity.

Article 4: Conduct and Ethics
4.1 Respect and Integrity: Members shall treat all individuals with respect, upholding the principles of integrity, honesty, and fairness in their actions and interactions.
4.2 Helmet and Identity: Members shall adhere to the Resol’nare, keeping their helmets on in the presence of others and maintaining their Mandalorian identity as a symbol of their commitment.
4.3 Non-Aggression: Members shall exercise disciplined restraint, using their combat skills only in defense or as a last resort, and never for personal gain or aggression.
4.4 Secrecy and Confidentiality: Members shall protect the secrets and operations of the Children of the Watch, maintaining utmost confidentiality to ensure the safety of the organization and its members.

Article 5: Governance
5.1 Leadership: The Children of the Watch shall be led by a Council of Elders, comprised of respected and experienced members chosen by their peers.
5.2 Decision-Making: Decisions shall be made through consensus whenever possible, ensuring inclusivity and considering the perspectives and input of all members.
5.3 Accountability: Leaders and members shall be held accountable for their actions and adherence to the principles outlined in this charter, subject to review and disciplinary measures if necessary.

Article 6: Amendments
6.1 Amendment Procedure: This charter may be amended or revised by the Council of Elders, with the approval of a two-thirds majority vote among the members.
6.2 Preservation of Core Values: Any amendments must be aligned with the Mandalorian code and the fundamental principles of the Children of the Watch.

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