The Cult Of The Cut / CULTCUT

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

Representing the rising sun of all planets, I see our loyal subjects before me in the image of a Thousand suns, here to shine light upon the darkness of the universe and cut down those who defile it.
To join our ranks you must transform in to purity by the cutting of hear and pledging of soul.


In the beginning there was nothing, from nothing came the stars, and around the stars came everything that is, was, and will be. it is in the image of these stars we grew from a primitive being to an advanced species. As we grew we found other species in their earlier stages of evolution’s, upon first contact they did not apprehend our existents and worshiped us as god’s, building monuments in our honour and made sacrifices to please us. This new power made us greedy and all we longed for was more and more until rivalry between our own begun. We turned our subjects against each other. War broke out, and after seeing the devastation we had instigated we poled away and swore to never de corrupted by the same greed as our forefathers did. We kept watching our subjects evolve, and only interfered in secret to help them prosper. It took them long to recover from the habits we made for them but eventually they prospered beyond our expectations and beyond there solitary planet and in to space. We let them grow without interfering, we cut our hair in the image of the stars to remind us that we are not there makers and that in fact we all come from a star. The time have now come to lead humanity in to the way we have evolved ourselves to follow The Cult of the Cut which is the way for all lifeforms that truly know there maker and have defeated there greed and hunger for power. Join us. be free, and free the universe.


To look upon a crowd of thousands cut in the image of the stars will be a glory to behold all beings.


1: Must have a bowl cut.
2:To be a full member you must be initiated through a ceremony.
3: You are free to be a member of other orgs
4:Never discuss the inner doings of The Cult Of The Cut whit outsiders
5:always be welcoming to all members (new and old)
6: be respectful in general
7:folow the orders given by a higher rank
8:dont abuse you power as a higher rank
9:Spred the good word of the cult
10: Have fun