U.E.E.N 12th Battle Group / CVBG12

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The United Earth Imperial Navy’s 12th Carrier Battle Group is an antonymous unit dedicating to the preservation of the Stanton System, the United Earth Empire and its Citizens. (Join us Today)


2952 – The United Earth imperial Navy’s 12th Carrier Battle Group was founded on May 5, by Legatus Navium Lavinia Wallingford. The 12th Carrier Battle Group in its infancy was directly controlled by Third Fleet Commander Asbul Nicki. In December of 2952 the Navy gave command of the unit to then Captain Fuller0079 and Commander xScurvey both Joint Special Operations Command Officers in charge at the time.

2953 – The 12th Carrier Battle Group participated in the first Stanton System incursion by Xenothreat and successfully repealed the invaders with the aid of the UEES Warhammer Javelin Class destroyer and the Civilian Defense Force PMCs. Captain Fuller was promoted to Commodore and newly assigned Chief of Staff Commander now Captain Poetryluxury took the helm.

2954 – The 12th Carrier Battle group has gone through a significant change and Legatus Navium Wallingford has declared the unit an antonymous attack and defense unit within the Stanton system of Operations.


Ready to Join: https://forms.gle/xc5KjkcgaSq1Z8BD6
Webpage – https://www.cvbg12.online
Discord – https://discord.gg/R4G83vvs57
The 12th Battle Group is an expeditionary combat unit of the UEE Navy’s 3rd Fleet. The 12th Battle Group’s mission is to provide ground, air, and space capabilities to protect and defend UEE sovereign territory and imperial interests across the galaxy. Currently deployed to the Stanton System, the 12th seeks to combat the increasingly violent pirate and terrorist threats incurring into the system while providing law enforcement and humanitarian aid to its residents.

The 12th Battle Group conducts the following operations to support its military objectives in the system:

1.) Combat Patrols to ensure the safety of trade routes, comm-arrays, and landing zones across the system.
2.) Quick Reaction Forces to rapidly respond to pirate, terrorist, or Vanduul incursions into UEE sovereign territory.
3.) Humanitarian Support to increase system safety and stability for the people of the UEE.

Membership Requirements

· Must have a headset for Discord and SRS and enable PTT
· Must be 18 years or above. (We will accept 16 years of age but they must show a high level of maturity)
· Must not cause drama of any kind
· Must be loyal to the 12th Carrier Battle Group and not be a part of any other organization
Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in denial of your application.
h2. FAQs

1.) Why am I still listed as a “New Member” or “Recruit”?

You have not completed on-boarding with our N1 Staff yet or you have not completed Basic Training yet. Once you have completed both you will become a full fledged member of the 12th Carrier Battle Group.

2.) What is your stance on Multiple Org Membership?

A. All leadership positions in the 12th CVBG (Section Heads, Ship Commanders, Team Leaders, Recruiters, Intel, Battle Group Officers, etc) are 100% unallowed to affiliate with other orgs due to the nature of their positions and classification levels. Membership in affiliate orgs must be approved on a case by case basis. Submit any intent to the N1.
B. Membership in the 12th requires all members to be a primary member of the ADI org and must not be set as affiliate. They may join ‘club style’ affiliate orgs, but leadership reserves the right to blacklist orgs, or prohibit membership if said membership poses a security risk.
C. At no time may any member of CVBG12 be an affiliate of an organization that practices piracy or griefing.
D. Attempts to hide or redact org status from leadership or the general public will result in the immediate discharge of any member caught doing so. There is no exception to this rule.

3.) What is your Unit playstyle?

We are a very organized team of members that are passionate about the game. While some of our members are hardcore players, we do not require our members to be hardcore players. We accept all players that share our goals and interests, regardless of them being casual or hardcore. The 12th believes in the rule that “Real life comes first” and will never tell you to put the unit over your real life, job, and certainly not over your family under any circumstances.

4.) How does the ranking system work in your unit?

Starman have the ability to rank up in our unit according to our roleplay aspects. Enlisted Starman and Marines will rank faster than their Officer counterparts with Aviation Officers ranking up the slowest. Upon graduation from Boot Camp you will achieve the rank of E-2 (Starman or Trooper). The first 3 ranks from E-2 thru E-4 are automatic and O-1 to O-2 are automatic.) O3 and E5 and above require qualification and boarding.

4.) What does training entail?

We have a Naval, Marine and Aviation training regiment for our new players and refresher training for our veteran players. Each training goes over the fundamentals of what it means to be a Starman or Marine in the unit. Example being a Navy Fleet Starman will learn how to do gunnery as a primary. Specialization training will take place for other rates such as Medical. Training is very easy except for training for our SEALs and our Pilots. Their training is more in depth and focused.

5.) Why are there such high standards for your pilots and SEALs?

Being a pilot or a Seal is no easy thing. We expect a lot out of them due to their inherit responsibility of protecting our fleet and our ground operators. Their pipeline is not for the weak and if you don’t have the time to learn it don’t bother applying for it. SEALs are the cream of the crop for our ground forces. They are always either practicing or on mission. Only the best become SEALs if you wont put the time and commitment into it you will be weeded out.

6.) What are unacceptable activities?

We take our reputation very seriously. As such, any members participating in any activity including, but not limited to, piracy, extortion, or any other illegal activities as defined by Navy Regulation, will be disciplined. These disciplinary measures can include being discharged from the unit, demotion, or firing. This is dependent on how serious the infraction was.

The main question for you as a potential member of the 12th Carrier Battle Group?

Have you now, or have you ever, participated in acts of piracy in any game or intend to in the future?
If the answer is yes, this is not the place for you


Please make sure you read and understand all of the rules, should anything come up we’ll refer to them.

1. Please make sure your discord name matches your name in Star Citizen. It makes grouping that much easier.

2. Show Respect to everyone!
- Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing here or in the verse.
- No hate speech.
- Every org member is valuable.
- No Grief to fellow org members or other citizens. We wish to grow and be a respected part of the community.
- Show the Org and Discord Leadership respect, they’re here for you and volunteering their time.
- Show respect to all Allied Orgs and their members.
- Be respectful of world current events. You may discuss them but please think about what you say as it may offend someone else.

- Remember that this is a game. Support each other in here and out in the ‘verse.

3. The Carrier Battle Group is an 18+ org. Though we will accept 18- if maturity level is high!

4. Post things in the appropriate channels. (i.e. bot commands in bot channels. They will likely be moved or deleted otherwise)

5. No politics. Just leave it at the door.

6. If you have a question or problem ask one of the Org Leadership for help if you can’t solve it.

7. NO PIRACY related activities and you cannot be affiliated with Pirate organizations

This Org runs on a “three strike” concept for severe rule violations. Members who violate the rules will receive:
- A first warning to stop and an explanation of the rule violated.
- A second warning to stop if the rules are violated again.
- A permanent ban for a third rules violation.
- Warnings will be issued via private call or private message and will include the rule that was violated.
- Warnings can be appealed if the member feels like the rule was not applied correctly, but will stand unless overturned.
- Public discussion of warnings and banned members is not allowed.
- Some actions addressed in other rules will result in an instant banning rather than a warning.