Citizens Without A Worthy Cause / CWAWC

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Looking for a chill time or an intense session? Remember fun is the key, but remain seated or you may die.


Established in the early hours of 2954 in the GMT zone of Sol 3.
Originally conceived as “Citizens without a cause”, the word “Worthy” was added in protest of the rampant corruption and manipulation in ‘Big Charity’, and because the id: CWAC was taken and you can’t fit the whole thing in there. Really I tried clicking it again and everything it doesn’t do it. I didn’t want all of it anyway it’s way too wordy that way, after all nobody likes it when you ramble on and on.
I just hope the org that has it isn’t called “Citizens Without a Cause”, If they sued us would they have to do it in verse for auec?

This club has lacked any discernible direction or purpose since it’s inception about 5 minutes ago.
We’ve been proudly embracing that approach ever since, and so far (at the time of writing) literally 100% of our members agree that it’s served us outstandingly and that we’re extremely proud of the direction the club has taken so far.


Unfortunately if we had a manifesto we’d have to go elsewhere.

But in lieu of such doctrine I will say this: A defining attribute of star citizen is it’s community. If in doubt, try to do well by it, nurture it and each other.


Don’t be an AH.