The Commonwealth / CWQC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

The Commonwealth is a collection of like minded governments, organizations and independents spread across multiple systems that have banded together for strength and prosperity in numbers. We are Many, We are Strong, We are The Commonwealth of Systems.


The Commonwealth, originally from Earth, found new life among the stars and systems in the heavens. Like minded governments, organizations and independent settlements spread across multiple systems have banded together for strength and prosperity in numbers. Their figure head is King William XXVII of Britannia. Although having more power than the old constitutional monarchs from history, matters of states are decided upon principally by the representatives of each system, planet, government or independent settlement at the Assembly of Sectors (A.S.). Members of The Commonwealth are vassals to Britannia but operate with a great level of freedom. It is only matters of threat, security and grand policy that see the Assembly of Sectors implementing laws or actions which its members must adhere to. The inter-system presence of The Commonwealth is their fleet, Quantum Corps, which is manned by individuals from all across its membership. Quantum’s flagship the CQC Dark Horizon is actually a battle group of vessels. The largest vessel among the battle group (centre ship) is given the designation of the Dark Horizon but this designation can change frequently. This is in part to keep prize hunters at bay, people, pirates and organizations that would like to claim they destroyed the Dark Horizon. Captain Drexx Mayvin is her commander and over sees the battle groups movements and missions handed down from high command. It is the mission of the Dark Horizon and its crews to bring stability, relief and support to all The Commonwealths membership and its allies. To provide aid to those who need it on its travels and to liberate those who face oppression from the tyrants among the stars.


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