Cyber Dragoons / CYDGN

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Formed from former UEE Navy & Marine units that specialized in Electronic Warfare and Information Disruption, The Cyber Dragoons are a mixture of talent from all over the Verse.

Vtuber Zentreya commands this ORG


In 2949, a new Private Military Contractor appeared in the Verse, named the Cyber Dragoons. Little is known about its founder, but from the scantly available information, all is known is the founder was a young, but retired UEE Navy Vice Admiral code-named “Zentreya”. Testimonies from some UEE Navy officers state that she was at the command of a Javelin-class destroyer dedicated to Electronic and Information Warfare. She and her loyal crew are shrouded in secrecy with their names redacted from official records. Only a few officers ever saw Zentreya and her crew, but left quite an impression, as they all wore a black with red trims uniform, which is quite different than the standard UEE Navy issue one.

—— Regarding the Dragoons part of the name, it’s due to the Former Marines having specialized in Rapid-Maneuvering Combat, for Ground and Space as the tactics were used in several encounters with the Vanduul but mostly against Xenothreat and Nine-Tails.———

The excessive amount of red tape for operational missions was the main driver behind her retirement from the UEE Navy. Although Zentreya and her crew are no longer in the UEE Navy, they are still more than willing to assist them, especially when the situation requires it, such as the 2551 Xeno-Threat Incursion.

The Cyber Dragoons are always on the lookout for those willing to lend their talents to the protection of the UEE citizenry across the Verse.

The Cyber Dragoons were last sighted in the Stanton system and are rumoured to be based on MicroTech.

According to Zentreya’s command, we are to obey and assist the UEE Navy when a dire situation is presented, such as during the 2551 Xeno-Threat Incursion.

As of 2952, the Cyber Dragoons are currently in a rest period while conducting small-scale security work across the Stanton System.


