Duck Of The Verse / D0TV

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Trading

FR : A venir… Contacter sur Discord : freyed (Doc_Black)

EN : Coming soon… Please contact Discord : freyed (Doc_Black)

Let him cook !



8 Novembre 2947 : Anastasia STROGANOV reprend la succession du parc industriel “Stroganov Production” suite à la disparition de son père.

17 Février 2949 : L’entreprise “Modof Corp” est créée.

20 Janvier 2954 : “Modof” & Anastasia STROGANOV tout deux passionnés de reconnaissances et de courses automobiles décident de participer à la course du Daymar Rallye 2954. Les rejoignent : Yannick “DukeCosta” et James UNCLE.

15 juin 2954 : L’entreprise “Amo Effer Technology” décide de devenir un sponsor principal de l’équipe.

23 Novembre 2954 : “Modof” & Anastasia STROGANOV décident de créer le conglomérat “Duck of the Verse” dans un esprit de recherches scientifiques, d’amitié, de sport et de coopérations industrielles.

24 Novembre 2954 : L’entreprise “Amo Effer Technology” décide d’intégrer le conglomérat “Duck of the Verse” en rachetant 33% des actions, transformant ainsi l’entreprise en un format tripartite à parts égales.

Duck Of The Verse était né !


November 8, 2947: Anastasia STROGANOV takes direction of “Stroganov Production”, an industrial park following the death of her father.

February 17, 2949: The company “Modof Corp” is created.

January 20, 2954: “Modof” & Anastasia STROGANOV, both passionate about scouting and car racing, decide to participate in the Daymar Rally 2954 race. Joining them: Yannick “DukeCosta” and James UNCLE.

June 15, 2954: The company “Amo Effer Technology” decides to become a main sponsor of the team.

November 23, 2954: “Modof” & Anastasia STROGANOV decide to create the conglomerate “Duck of the Verse” in a spirit of scientific research, friendship, sport and industrial cooperation.

November 24, 2954: The company “Amo Effer Technology” decides to integrate the conglomerate “Duck of the Verse” by purchasing 33% of the shares, thus transforming the company into an equal tripartite format.

Duck Of The Verse was born!



Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.