Dark Angel Mercenaries / DARKMERCS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Are you looking to Hire some muscle?
Are you looking to Hire skilled pilots?
Why not both?
Send us a message & will will find the Merc/Mercs for you!


Long long ago this was once a small guild of warriors fighting hordes of monsters with sword & bow! Growing year by year killing everything in sight! We have finally reached this point in time!

We are no less deadly, No less savage, We are Still slaying everything in sight! but now….. now we have missiles and lasers beams!
We have come a long long way but the same truth still stand, We are the craziest bunch of loons to ever fly the verse!


……..Missiles and lasers are expensive so we now hire our talents for gold/ Gil/ isk/ shiny things or bacon


Are you looking for a fixed or temporary job?
Are you looking to hire skilled pilots?
We will help you!
Active in the the entire verse The Dark Angel Mercenaries go beyond the call of duty to achive!
Our Organization offers players with skills all across the board from
Security & Bounty hunting to mining & Cargo Hauling!

Pm any of our Rank 4+ with what you need and we will take it from there!
Fast and easy.


1. Uphold the Contract.
2. The Council’s rule is final.
3. Never Harm another D.A.M member.
4. All Contracts go to HQ for approval, Accepting without approval will result in loss of license.
5. Only Council members can recall/ Approve a Corp Kill Order. ( Anyone can make a request )
6. In corp Arguments/ disagreements are to be taken to the Council who will vote the correct course.
7. Contract Priority order = Special order > Member > affiliation > Job Request.
8. Contact payment – Member 90% / affiliation 80% / Job request 70% ( remaining % is added to Corp fund)
9. Any equipment / Ship hired from Corp is to be returned or replacement costs covered. Failure to do this with in the allowed time will result in a kill order place on your head.
10. All Damages/losses sustained on a contract are down to the player to fix. Fly safe and request aide when needed.
11. If a D.A.M member issues a distress call all available members are to act.