Deep Core Mining / DEEPCORE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Exploration

We don’t just mine… We Do It: Deeper / Harder / Faster
Sit-Back, grab a Cold One, fire-up the lasers and let it Rip.
Hold on… What happened??? Uhh, No Comment.

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Deep Core Mining is a young company that has become the largest independent mining corporation around and was founded by a small group of dedicated deep space explorers that lay claim to anything valuable they could get their hands around. It has been a well-known fact that the original founders would have been considered by UEE standards as Pirate-Miners as they seem to have a checkered past on their rise to ascension. Fortunately, the UEE turned a blind eye to their colorful past exploits and unconventional acquisitions due to the fact they operated largely outside of the empire’s controlled space. Times do change and the face of DeepCore has become a legal corporation and established itself as an industry leader in new cutting-edge prospecting, drilling, and mining technology. This new technology, of which the technical details have never been fully revealed using the legal protection of proprietary intellectual property, give a much higher yield than ever before seen and was the primary contributor to propelling Deep Core Mining to the top echelon of mining companies in such a short amount of time.

DeepCore has branched out into several divisions within the corporation itself. They now exist as Deep Core Mining Exploration Division, Deep Core Special Projects Division, Deep Core Construction Division, and Deep Core Mining Operations Division, the latter being the backbone and true financial driver of the corporation. All of the divisions are operating under the umbrella of Deep Core Mining or “DeepCore” for short. There is speculation that a secret division exists in the shadows of the company’s legal operations and might be operating outside the boundaries of the law, giving the powerhouse conglomerate an unfair advantage over its competitors. DeepCore has publicly denied such existence of an organization within an organization and has claimed that its rivals have baselessly fabricated the false allegations in an attempt to discredit the flourishing and law-abiding corporation.

Deep Core Mining Operations Division has been described as being staffed with hungry-looking people who tend to feel uncomfortable in crowds and spend a lot of time glancing out the windows of their ships, as if searching for something important just out of sight. The corporation has had several lawsuits filed against it involving claims by competitors that DeepCore has turned hostile when it sees fit and blaitantly attacked their vessels without provocation and consficated goods illegally. DeepCore’s response to the allegations has been that, it defended its interests legally from what it claims was an illegal encroachment on the part of the plaintiffs.

The corporate HQ is located in the deep space fringe worlds and outside of the Empire’s control and space, offering them a great degree of legal protection not afforded by mainstream corporations based out of the UEE homeworlds, as they are exempt from safety regulations and financial oversite as well as much more favorable taxation. The Mining Operations Division has scattered installations and outposts throughout most of the galaxy and to no surprise, they are usually placed in a configuration allowing quick access to mineral-rich deposits but more reminiscent of a combat forward base. They have the ability to attract some of the best and most talented people that are able to grind out the most valuable minerals on the market.

Deep Core Mining Special Projects Division is the force behind the major research efforts to push forward innovation in areas such as moon mining, asteroid mining, outpost mining and space colonization. These Special Projects have brought the mining conglomerate many innovations over the years. In its efforts to become even more dominant in the mining and construction industries. Deep Core Mining has assembled its most far-thinking, radical and largely eccentric minds to further the corporation’s edge in advanced technologies. Persistent rumors of the Special Project “VESTA” that was allegedly used as the basis of the conceptional framework to create what we now know as The Orion mining platform ship project, was somehow mysteriously acquired by RSI after a top secret server was hacked by an unidentified pirate entity. Deep Core Special Projects Division has yet to confirm nor denied the facts surrounding this widely believed space station rumor. It is believed that RSI may have hired the Pirates in connection with the incident.

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Deepcore Mottos, Slogans, Etc.
- Slogan: “Mining with Teeth”
- Motto: “Deeper, Harder, Faster”
- Officer Tab: “Our Corporate Ladder Goes Deep (Every Time)”

We are all here to have fun and to help one another grow and develop our skills here in the Star Citizen Universe. That is the point of a corporation, to leverage members and assets in order to assist members and the corporation to achieve its goals. Our primary areas of focus are mining and Industry, but we welcome and encourage all who wish to develop other skill sets. Yes, Pirates and Piracy are welcome here.
1. Real Life comes first.
2. Members should do their best to assist other members when requested.
3. Members are expected to be courteous and civilized in their behavior towards all, as representatives of this corporation, and to interact with all other members.
4. Dedication, loyalty, and maturity are desired.
5. The person behind the character is important. We want everyone to know each other and feel valued and respected as a needed part of a large machine.
6. Not interested in corp jumpers.

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Deep Space Mining Remains in Excellent Standings with UEE.

However, they remain under investigation as to possible pirate affiliations that would violate its charter with UEE.
It has been generally accepted at this point that with the kind of support and backing Deep Space Mining receives from the majority of Senators that they will remain shielded from any potential unwanted litigation thanks primarily to loopholes afforded to them by those on the receiving end of contributions paid out by Deep Space Mining and/or it’s shell companies.

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