Wanderlust Expeditionary / DESTINY

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Welcome to the profile of the Wanderlust Expeditionary. We are primarily an interstellar exploration and trading corporation. However, we also provide security solutions to clients of reputable standing in the U.E.E. Please feel free to browse the our recruitment section if you wish to join us.


Wanderlust Expeditionary is an exploratory company which was founded by three close friends over four years ago. They created a group of like minded explorers with a penchant for wanderlust. Using their influence and resources to help novice explorers system-wide, they strive to create a foothold in the midst of massive super-corporations.


“Reach for the stars.”


All operators within the Wanderlust Expeditionary will adhere to all standing laws of the U.E.E. and will do nothing to create conflict between the U.E.E. and outside groups. Trading laws between the Banu Protectorate and Xi’An Empire are also to be enforced.

All security operators will adhere by all the same guidelines as those listed above. Above that, security officers will strive to defuse situations of tension before any shots are fired. No conflict is the best conflict.