Decadent Few / DFEW

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Exploration

We are the Few… Some of us have been gaming together for longer than some of us have been alive…

We are a Social group who enjoy each others’ company… we cut each other up more than we dis others….

We are not actively recruiting, but if you like what we stand for, by all means apply!


Decadent Few started way back in the day when dial-up was the only way to get onto the Internet… Thunderdome MUD was the first iteration of DF… When the first graphical MMO hit the scene, we jumped to it with abandon… Ever Quest was our first large scale home.

Since then we’ve touched just about every game that requires you to work with another person… MMOs, RPGs and MOBAs you name it we’ve been there.

Hardcore to casual, we’ve seen it all. This iteration, is very casual. While we have ships in all the ranges, our members are in it for the fun.


We are a social guild that is interested in exploring the vast reaches of this game…


We have no charter per se… our only guiding principle is… don’t be a dick!!