Dark Horizon / DKHZN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Security

Welcome to Dark Horizon. We have started as a group of friends in real life that have many of varied interests in game, but plan to expand to a potentially medium sized organization that values fun and freedom of gameplay.


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Life and the universe are all shades of gray rather than strictly black and white, or good and evil. Dark Horizon was created with that ideal in mind. Our goal is to be an efficient economic, military, technological force while maintaining individual freedoms of those involved. The increased bureaucracy of the UEE and equally the savagery of the Vanduul both pose a threat and should be dealt with caution and vigilance. We are not guardians of civilians but nor are we destroyers of worlds.

In short our goal is to manage a station near the fringe of UEE space and offer fuel and repair services while also using it as our staging area for other endeavors.


What types of people are best suited for Dark Horizon? We prefer people with a good attitude and a willingness to learn and communicate over skill alone.

Is Dark Horizon PVP or PVE based? A bit of both. We are not seeking conflict with other groups at this time but If conflict does present itself we are not going to shy away from it.

What attacking policy does Dark Horizon subscribe to? Generally we are NRDS (Not Red, Don’t Shoot) but there are some exceptions.

Roleplaying? Sure, even though we are listed as a non roleplaying organization, we are roleplaying tolerant but may or may not participate on a member to member basis. Most of the founding members only have novice DND experience.

Communication We do currently have a teamspeak server and having a microphone is a requirement of being a part of Dark Horizon. There are certain exceptions to this rule but you will need to convince one of the other council members that you are able to communicate sufficiently over chat.


I despise unnecessary rules so I will keep this succinct.

Don’t be a dick. This is common sense.

Keep Calm and Chive On. If you have a disagreement with someone else in Dark Horizon, take a step back, a deep breath, visit www.thechive.com, and then come back and discuss the grievance in a calm, intelligent manner. Everyone gets pissed off once in a while and that is perfectly ok.