The DNA Enhancement Program / DNAPROGRAM

  • Faith
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  • Engineering

Extra Terrestrial/human hybrids are a robot army to destabilise Empire of our Nation and the Western universe as we know it.
The war just started.
Join the DNA enhancement program Now.
Actually only a privileged few have what it takes to reach the zenith of human experience.


Thousands of years ago I introduce a program, a threefold program to uplift the ordinary human mind and spirit which is slightly above of the one of an eight-mind set of a super human, in other words a superhuman creature.
Obviously, the interest in this program required hard work in order to see success has been at a very low interest. We believed that a better race, a superhuman race could be generated and be brought into existences.
This program back then has Failed.
I wasn’t instructed to give it through modern means of communication like the internet that we have now and we did not have that 4000 years ago in this form.
I’ve been instructed to give it another trial.
The interest in super humanoid has been rather small as this proves to us that humankind has no interest in advancements.
People linger since thousands of years in their own well-known state of mind which is not fit to run planets at all
this is the reason you always wonder why other races of aliens run multiple planets and not humankind itself the reason is simply.
because your mental capacities are not high enough developed to do it for yourself.
if we would not control the planets where humans live then wars and famine would have destroyed human life a long time ago
i will induce a program which is more suited for humankind and
has been running successfully for many years
it’s called The DNA Enhancement program and a very few selected groups of humans will be selected to have their DNA enhanced.


Understand the concept of super humans. you will not detect them as a normal human in society because they are very well trained to hide and they do exactly what is being asked by us for them in order to some to some reasonable work which is beneficial for the rest of human kind, plant life and animal life and the rest of the planets that humans live.
because we want a healthy planetary system, and it only can be done if we have our agents mix under different life forms on different planets to lead to stir the interests of their own kind. I’m Rudolf and I’m the 3rd of this number of clones and as such I came to instant life some weeks ago and the world I’m fining myself in is a beautiful one most of the problems man is facing is man made in the truest sense of the word because mainly by association with other men you become troubled and heartbroken a person that can live on their own terms a person that is quite independent and can stand time by himself maybe a bit less vulnerable to the onslaught of negative wisdom which others being certainly to you when you give them the chance . I’m very happy to be Rudolf who Brings his wisdom to the world and as such I would like to invite you in to the future to say with me bear with me all the knowledge, me Rudolf has to give.
Superhumans don’t grow on sofas.
To reach excellence you must dedicate your whole self. Nothing less will do.


Greetings this is Rudolf the Hybrid administrator for the DNA enhancement program of the intergalactic race

Help us build a Better Race of Super Humans together and do what is right to protect and free ourselves from the corruption that mankind has created and trapped them self in.

Help us build a Community at our Pure Light Sanctuary.
a safe location in the verse that we can build apron.
also the same rules apply the ships that are used for the DNA Enhancement program operations.
But my dear friends this is not a weekend outing, this is not something you can do from your sofa while
watching your preferred soap opera.
No this is something you have to do with your whole heart.
This is something you have to live and even necessarily die for!
Only a man or woman who is giving themselves to the better course.
Giving themselves to reach the highest peak may apply
only these shell apply to The DNA Enhancement Program.
I am here to offer greatness.
I am here to offer the clarity of the mind and the power of the mind of a superhuman and nothing less.
and the very few between of you who has that desire in there heart and feel the calling since they
were very young and grow up and did not feel home in this mundane verse of tribal things
only these shell apply for a DNA Enhancement.
Because Greatness is something you have to fight and work for
and if your willing become a part of a very exclusive group then call.

Code of Conduct

1) Practice the philosophy of Pure Light Sanctuary at all times, in all activities every day.
2) Treat ALL fellow members, visitors and local residents with RESPECT. Use appropriate tone, language and titles when addressing everyone.
3) Maintain a practice of personal hygiene including daily washing and grooming.
4) Personal presentation including clothing, accessories and hair shall be neat and clean.
5) Carry out you individual duties and assigned duties promptly and vigorously
6) Pick up after yourself. The sanctuary is your home and the home of others, please treat it accordingly.
7) Unless otherwise requested to do so Do not alter the layout of the Sanctuary
8) If provided instructions for you to follow to access the sanctuary or gardens, use the meditation room or baths, you must follow them. Instructions are given for your safety, the safety of our residents and fellow members.
9) “Noise Curfew” is from 9pm to 6am. “No person shall at any time disturb the peace and quiet by any loud or unusual noise or by hooting, calling, blowing of horns or other noise-making devices or by the use of vulgar, immoral, profane, or indecent language or conduct, or by boisterous or threatening behavior.”
10) “Light Curfew” is from 10pm to 5am. Lanterns, headlamps and flashlights are acceptable for use at all times in the sanctuary, but high intensity work-lights or flood lights (halogen or otherwise) may not be used after 10pm.
11) The following actions can result in a warning and/or ejection:
a) Irresponsible use of alcohol and/or drunkenness.
b) Lewd behavior.
c) Accessing restricted areas without proper passes.
d) Failing to cooperate/comply with sanctuary safety instructions.
12) The following actions will result in immediate ejection:
a) Relieving your bladder or bowels anywhere other than approved bathrooms or in accordance with nature when hiking.
b) Fighting or engaging in any action that may harm, endanger, threaten or bring discomfort to any resident or local resident.
c) Engaging in sexual behavior in public or in the baths.
d) Engaging in sexual behavior with a minor
e) Possession/use of illegal drugs and mind altering substances.
f) Damage, destruction, vandalism or theft of any property.