Defenders of the Alliance / DOTA

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

We are Defenders of the Alliance (DotA)


Hails from DotA. We are a casual gaming guild that has been playing for over 10yrs starting back in SWG. We play many different games and have lots of fun playing them together. DotA was founded back in SWG but has spanned may other MMOs and even some FPS games.

Good hunting and hope to see you soon.

Zechs Marques HC of DotA


We are a fun mature (for the most part) group of gamers that have come together for a common cause of fun and fellowship. DotA has been a guild for over 10 years and in that time I can truly say I have made some lifelong friends who are like family to me. We have members as far away as Germany and Australia and every time zone in the US.

If you feel DotA is a place you would like to belong give us a try.


Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct [CoC] is a set of rules that all Defenders of the Alliance [DotA] members must follow in order to be part of this association. The gaming community can be a small place, and non-members will recognize the behavior of the person (player) and associate it with any association or guild they are a known member of. If you can not agree, or can not abide by these rules, then DotA is not the right association for you.

1. General Behavior

DotA membership is based on the principles of maturity and mutual respect for your fellow players. All members are to present themselves in such a manner.

This includes:
Being patient, polite and courteous.
Thinking before you talk, post, or act and moderating your language.
Responding to bad behavior with good behavior.
Being an honorable opponent and a good example.

When you get angry or frustrated, be an adult and react appropriately.
Do not insult or antagonize anyone – friend or foe.
Griefing, flaming, trolling, is not allowed.
The use of game altering software and blatant exploits to gain advantage over other players is not allowed.
Do not actively sabotage any group activity you take part in.

Remember, your behavior as an individual reflects back on the entire association.

2. Guild Structure and Operation

DotA is a player membership, not a character membership association. All characters controlled by DotA members that reside on game servers in which DotA has been established must be in the DotA guild or not belong to any other associations.

Members are divided into three groups:

Probationary Members (Ranks 0-2):
Accepted applicants currently carrying the DotA tag, being vetted for full membership. They may participate in all guild events, but have limited access to guild resources and are polled separately at townhall meetings.

DotA Members(Ranks 3-5):
Full members with access to guild resources and the ability to tag Applicants who have become eligible for Probationary membership. Encouraged to take part in all aspects of guild oprations and be leaders in the game(s) and guild.

DotA High Council (Rank 6):
Has the responsibility to abide, uphold and when it deems necessary, enforce the CoC.
If need be make final decision on any players membership status.
Negotiate alliances, resource sharing, trade or mergers.
Administering and moderating the forums, Discord and in-game guild tools.
The High Council elects its own members.