Dogs of War / DOW

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Trading


For almost 2 years Dogs of War was one of the most competitive clans on the Kemmura server of Black Prophecy. We were a major force for the Genide faction and battled in all of the PvP war-zones. We made good friends and were respected by our enemy’s. Sadly Black Prophecy shutdown in September 2012. We stayed in contact with both friends & enemy’s & have made alliances with other former Black Prophecy Clans here in the Star Citizen verse.


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The Dogs of War (DOW) is small ambitious PMC that will specialize in security operations that we will use in-house and provide for third party contractors and allies/partners.

DOW will have its very own trading & operations (mining, logistics, surveying) fleets. These fleets will be armed and guarded by our security operation when needed.

All missions and operations are monitored and guided by Strategic Command. This allows for efficient planning of resources, time and will reduce respond times of tactical reinforcements should the need arise. In addition to Strategic Command, DOW also has an in-house intelligence branch that supports strategic and economic decision making.

DOW is genuinely interested in building partnerships and becoming your in-house security force, in-house logistics department or reliable trading partner. We also aim to build strong alliances with reliable non-piracy organisations. Contact our admiralty chairman admiral Lord Mulmir, our admiralty president and CiC BitesBack or admiralty member fleet admiral PJ to explore the possibilities for partnerships/alliances. When your corporation has already been assigned an ambassador, please contact your ambassador.

One-time and/or smaller short/mid/long-term contracts are also welcomed. Such contracts do not require diplomatic relations or existing partnerships but are individually reviewed and signed by the appropriate officers.


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The Dogs of War has a military structure and is governed by a select group of flag officers (vice-admiral +) collectively called the admiralty. The admiralty takes care of all regulatory and administrative business. DOW employs an extensive framework that determines our operations. This framework includes a set of general orders and directives, rules of engagement, standard operation protocols (SOPs), the use of voice communication software, a strict chain of command and comprehensive organisation structure containing three core branches and two support branches. This may sound much but all rules are designed in a way that is least restrictive to our members and supports our goals.

DOW adopted a Code of Conduct to help ensure a positive, helpful, friendly gaming environment free of discrimination, harassment or ridicule. The admiralty maintains an open-door policy and requires this of ranking officers to ensure that everyone is able to seek help, make suggestions or contribute in other ways without fear of ridicule or punishment.

Before an applicant can be accepted into DOW (s)he has read and agreed to the most fundamental rules that define our operations and culture. These include the Code of Conduct, the Rules of Engagement and a small selection of general orders.