Distant Radio 3305 / DR3305

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Hailing to all spacefarers out there! We have the music to accompany on your travels. Keep space madness at bay with Distant Radio!


Join us on Discord to be part of the experience!


Distant Radio was founded as a part of the Distant Worlds 2 expedition in Elite:Dangerous and has since opened up to all things space. We’re close to our 1 year anniversary, which will be on December 28, 2019


Join us on Discord to be part of the experience!


You’re on your way to Waypoint 13.

The comms are dead silent. You haven’t heard a human voice for what feels like an eternity. You haven’t seen a sensor contact in a thousand light years. Even the field of stars in front of you seems to be getting thin and sparse.

The repetitive phrases your COVAS spouts over and over are slowly digging into your psyche. Fuel scooping. You wish you’d selected a different voice module before leaving. Fuel scoop disengaged. You’re seriously considering licking the ice off your canopy. System scan complete. Your mind wanders to stories of Commanders succumbing to “Space Madness” out here in the Black. Frame shift drive charging. Good thing that isn’t happening to you.

And then you hear a knocking on the cargo bay door. From the outside. You wouldn’t leave them alone out there in the void, would you? Hurry, let them in before they freeze!

But we say: DON’T! Tune in to Distant Radio 330.5 instead! We’re all you need to stay sane out there!

Featuring round-the-clock music, interviews with community leaders and Frontier staff, talk shows, podcasts, news and more, we provide you company for the long journey so that you don’t lose your mind. Sit back and leave the madness to us!

The Distant Radio 3305 team are eager to entertain you and we look forward to having you along!

Join us on Discord to be part of the experience!


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