RED DRAGON industrial org / DRAGONLORD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

We are here to have fun explore , mine,salvage ,base build, and fill all industrial play. We will help others when in any need of support or backup. we are an industrial group, but we play all different roles to help each other out . We are also a neutral group . Get out there and have fun


  • The Red Dragons is a industrial neutral group that brings all types of skills and knowledge to the game . * * We started out as a small group being tired of begging for the scraps of big corporations for jobs . * A few of us said no more and started this company in faith of a dream and hopes to become the best industrial industry in the galaxy and support multiple roles along the way.
  • We started on micro tech and hope to be across the galaxy with future development .


  • Neutral to all organizations
  • Industrial
  • Defense
  • Minors
  • Base builders
  • Traders
  • Explorers


The rules are simple

Do not steal from fellow members

Be neutral to all organizations

Protect members

Be respectful