Draconis Incorporated / DRIC

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Trading

Hello there!

We are a growing company whom’s focus is pointed at three core businesses:

Industrial, where we are going to mine and salvage.

Transportation, which mean cargo and PT.

And lastly security, which means ground/space and air combat among the hight threat medical game play!

Greetz D.I.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Draconis Incorporated is a growing company that is going to have three different types of businesses we want to approach:

1. Security, this department is going to be split into a sub department meant for escort and general combat missions, working together with authorities and protecting either our customers or our own trading ships. The second sub department is going to be used for what we call High risk Medical Support, which describes combat medics with advanced gear and plenty of firepower to make sure to get you out safely. For either of these sub departments we might start to offer contracts in the future, as we are still in a process of building our structures.

2. Industrial, which is also going to be split in for now two sub departments, which are mining and salvaging. Meaning that this department will with the support of our other departments be able to safely mine asteroids and rocks on planets and salvage wreckages in the safe environment of our own security forces!

3. Transportation, last but not least will be split into the department Cargo and Personal Transportation, which is hopefully kind of self explaining. This last department completes the circle, as our cargo haulers and transport pilots will ship the goods mined and salvaged and transport personell to where it needs to be, once again protected from our own security forces.

Despite being a corporation or in other words a profit orientated organization, it is important to us to support our members with ingame gear and equipment. Which means that we are going to create a pool of (a)UEC together which will be used to buy useful ships, gear and equipment for the whole organization, so we can grow and work all together the way it’s supposed to be!


Draconis Incorporated is in the first place an organization that is build around profit like any other company would. However there is a still a few important rules:

1. If one of the organization members ask you for help and you are capable of providing help (You do not need to send money if that is what they are asking for.) you should do your best to help them.

2. We do not kill random players for fun. Which you are allowed to fight back if you are attacked by another player and you may attack a target if it has a bounty on his head. But do not ever bother people who haven’t done anything and are just peacefully doing their thing.

3. Obey your leaders. This does again not mean you have to do everything that you are told to if you can not/don’t want to, but if you are playing in a group and a higher ranked member tells you to do something in a specific way, you should only disobey it if you are entirely sure you’re idea is better. Of course you may speak up and offer alternatives, but the higher ranks do have them for a reason.

4. Have fun! Really, this isa game so feel free to dive into the immersion as deep as you want to but while RP may be fun for some, some others just enjoy to play so do not try to take the fun from anyone else away by your behavior.

For now those are the 4 core rules, which may change later.