Darksaber Enterprises / DRKSBR

  • PMC
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  • Role play
  • Security
  • Resources

Si vis pacem para bellum

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Darksaber Enterprises:

Darksaber Enterprises was founded in 2945 By Retired Major Jack “Archon” Archer, after leaving 15 years service with the UEE Marines.

Settling in the Stanton system, Jack saw how the Corporate Worlds had allowed crime to thrive, and decided to take a step against it, in founding Darksaber Enterprises PMC.

Darksaber was founded on the principles of helping people. With Recruiting people from all walks of life, and helping turn them into the best outfit in the System, Darksaber provides Security and Military support as needed.

In 2950, Darksaber Ventured out into offering Tour Options, where you can visit historic places across the galaxy, and have the time of your life. as well as selling weapons, armour, and other items from their surplus.

Continued Partnerships with other orgs have been a mainstay within the Values of Darksaber. Our Biggest and Longest Running Partnership is with Apex Resource Industries, providing Security and support to their mining and salvage operations.


h4. Darksaber Enterprises offer’s the following services: We offer the following: Onship Security/Event Security Military Support Cargo Hauling



This Charter of Darksaber Enterprises, as ratified on the First of October in the year 2948, hereby establishes the rules, regulations, and code of conduct for our organization.

Article One: Conduct and Expectations of Enlisted Employees

Every employee enlisted in Darksaber Enterprises is expected to adhere to the rules, regulations, and conduct outlined in Article One and its subsequent sections.

I. Employees are expected to uphold themselves with honor, respect, and professionalism at all times.

II. While on the battlefield, employees must follow the orders of their superior officers to the best of their ability.

III. Employees are required to fulfill their designated positions to the best of their abilities. In a competitive context, underperforming employees may have their individual performance reviewed by their peers in the same section.


Article Two: Chain of Command & Positions

Employees are subordinate to the officers in their command structure above them and are in command of employees subordinate to themselves. Each employee must meet the expectations and duties of their respective positions as defined in Article Two and its subsequent sections.

I. The hierarchy of rankings and positions is as follows:

a) Recruit – A probationary rank for new employees who have not yet been assigned to a section.

b) Private – Experienced Soldier with in-depth sector knowledge.

c) Sergeant – Officers responsible for leading a Ground or Air Squadron and o.verseeing the Soldiers/Pilots within it. – CURRENTLY 3 PLATOONS AND 3 WINGS ASSIGNED PER SYSTEM!!

d) Warrant Officer – Responsible for running Training Operations and training Recruits.

e) Captain – Responsible for Leading a Platoon/Wing and overseeing the Soldiers/Pilots within it.

f) Commodore – Responsible for Commanding all Platoons and Wings within a System.

g) Admiral – The High Command of Darksaber Enterprises. Responsible for Running the Organization.


Article Three: Code of Conduct & Punishment

Employees of Darksaber Enterprises may face dismissal (removal from the organization) for committed infractions, which are categorized as follows:

I. Minor Infractions – When a member commits a minor infraction, and there is sufficient supporting evidence, the member will receive a written warning from a superior officer. If three (3) minor infractions are committed within a 30-day period, the offender is removed from the organization. If no infractions occur during this period, the earliest infraction will be removed from the member’s record.

List of Minor Infractions:

  • Excessive use of insulting or harassing language directed towards an individual or a group of people.
  • Excessive use of inappropriate language.
  • Excessive spamming or trolling.
  • Religious debates.
  • Frequent insubordination during a competitive engagement.

II. Major Infractions – When a member commits a major infraction, and there is sufficient supporting evidence, the member is immediately removed from the organization and barred from accessing its resources.

List of Major Infractions:

  • Racial or ethnic harassment.
  • Sexual harassment.
  • Real-life violent threats.
  • Distribution of real-life personal information.
  • Posting cheats, hacks, Trojan horses, or malicious programs.

These rules, regulations, and code of conduct were established by the founders of Darksaber Enterprises on the signing of this Charter on the 1st of October, 2948. All members of Darksaber Enterprises must adhere to these rules or face the specified consequences.


Code of Conduct Index

Title —————————————————————————————————————-Paragraphs

General ……………………………………………………………………..1-6

General Principles …………………………………………………….7-11

Law and Regulation ………………………………………………….12-14

Selection Training and Vetting of Personnel……………. 15-18

Behavioral Standards and Quality Assurance………… 19-22

Quality Assurance……………………………………………………… 23

Corporate Social Responsibility ………………………………. 24-26

Rules for the Use of Force ……………………………………….. 27-32

Relations with Others in the Field of Operations ……… 33-36

Working Standards ………………………………………………….. 37-41

Equal Opportunities ………………………………………………… 42-44

Relations with Clients ………………………………………………. 45-46

Security Sector Reform ……………………………………………. 47-48

Transparency ……………………………………………………………. 49

Oversight and Compliance ………………………………………. 50-53



1.Private Security Companies (PSCs) play an increasingly significant role in global risk management due to evolving risk factors.

2.PSCs operate in challenging and often dangerous environments, and they are sometimes armed. To ensure ethical conduct and professionalism, legitimate PSCs must operate within the framework of planetary and UEE laws. These principles are outlined in this document.

3.Adherence to this code ensures high standards of operation, professionalism, and quality for various stakeholders, including clients, personnel, competitors, international organizations, governments, individuals, and communities with whom Darksaber Enterprises interacts during its operations.

4.This code is adaptable to changes in law, international circumstances, and public opinion.

5.Darksaber Enterprises maintains open communication with stakeholders, including governments, international agencies, industry associations, and other interested parties.

6.This code covers various areas, including general principles, law and regulation, personnel selection, training, and vetting, behavioral standards, the use of force, relations with others in the field, working standards, equal opportunities, corporate social responsibility, relations with clients, security sector reform, transparency, oversight, and compliance.


General Principles

7.Darksaber Enterprises engages exclusively in legitimate security work aligned with UEE Law.

8.The company’s mission is to mitigate risks for clients, focusing on defensive operations. Darksaber Enterprises will only work for clients committed to international norms and laws, respecting planetary sovereignty and avoiding assignments that may destabilize a country or community.

9.Darksaber Enterprises unequivocally rejects involvement in, and condones human rights violations, as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UEE Convention of Human Rights.

10.The company supports Security Sector Reform (see paragraph 47).


Law and Regulation

11.In the absence of UEE or planetary regulation of PSCs, Darksaber Enterprises abides by:
  • UEE Law
  • • Planetary Law
  • • Sectorial Law
  • • Planetary Regulation
  • • Armed Conflict Law
  • • Contractual obligations and constraints

12.Darksaber Enterprises complies with all applicable laws and regulations. Personnel must report any involvement or witnessing of unlawful acts. The company will conduct thorough investigations into such reports and complaints from third parties, within the operational environment’s constraints.

13.Morally and ethically, Darksaber Enterprises supports the development of PSC regulations within the UEE.


Selection, Training, and Vetting of Security Providers

14.Darksaber Enterprises employs rigorous selection processes for all personnel.

15.The company conducts comprehensive background checks on each security provider, including CV verification, reference checks, military and professional record reviews, and interviews.

16.Accepted security providers undergo thorough vetting, including background and criminal record checks, government vetting where appropriate, and medical assessments.

17.Security providers receive initial induction and task-specific training, followed by ongoing training while on task, career development training, and periodic specialist training. Training includes instruction in UEE Law, Humanitarian Law, and the Law of Armed Conflict.


Behavioral Standards and Quality Assurance

18.Darksaber Enterprises maintains high behavioral standards and closely monitors personnel conduct.

19.Behavioral standards require compliance with relevant laws, fair business dealings, and:

  • • Professional and technical competence
  • • Restraint and maturity
  • • Honesty and integrity, including ethical financial practices
  • • Compassion, respect, and dignity
  • • Discretion and confidentiality
  • • Full understanding of mission requirements
  • • Social and environmental responsibility
  • • Cultural sensitivity

20.The company’s management structure, at all levels, ensures compliance with these standards. A formal disciplinary procedure exists to address deviations, overseen by the Board of Directors.

21.Darksaber Enterprises provides comprehensive training to ensure personnel understand and adhere to these standards, including anti-corruption, non-bribery, and human rights.





