Elistoria Medical Services / ELISTORIA

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Medical
  • Transport

Our operators specialize in medical services and in both infiltration plus exfiltration, we’ll get you back on your feet and out of the hottest combat zones you can think of going in to!

Trapped in the deepest, darkest void of space? Elistoria has you!


Elistoria Medical Services (EMS) was formed as a sub-organization by Trial of Honor’s medical personnel to delegate work among members and squads.

Check out our main organization here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/T0H


When we’re not saving souls in the void of space, we’re a tavern, an inn, or heck a mercenary group! A guild for everyone interested in Roleplay, Fantasy, Gaming, and Anime!

Come, join is in discord!