Elyrian / ELYRIAN

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

Elyrian is a corporation focusing on resourcing and freelance jobs within the ‘verse.

Our aim is to offer the players of the Star Citizen universe a place in which they can request jobs, help, and more from our talented and experienced members, using our ONTASK platform.


Who are we?

Elyrian is a new corporation focusing on the here and now, and the current state of the universe.

When were you created?

Elyrian was founded by DeathlyNocturnal in a joint venture with CitizenTok, JoeMama1337, and earlibird to create a hardcore style organisation that focuses on empowering freelancers around the ‘verse with our ONTASK resource platform.

What is your goal?

Our goal is to empower freelancers by offering them a hardcore player base where they can make alliances and friends, while also promoting work and a modern resourcing system allowing our members to make money and help the entire Star Citizen player base.

How do you intend to do this?

Our latest leap is a new resourcing engine that will allow members from all over the ‘verse to submit requests for help with information of their needs, and allowing our corporation’s members to pick those tasks up and complete them in turn for money.

Stuck on a planet with no ship? We can get you.

Shot down by an NPC and waiting on a revive, we got you!

Need some help while salvaging/mining? We are there.

Want to learn the game? We can help.

Visit our ONTASK platform now!

How do I join?

So you are interested? Well:

1. You will need to join our Discord: https://discord.gg/r43NxjhDyc (or our website: https://elyrian.space)
2. Once you’re in the Discord, join our voice chats, play with others members.
3. A player can then request a join promotion, once this occurs, the board will evaluate the information given and come to a decision.
4. If rejected, you can try again after a week.
5. If successful, you will be sent an invite to join the organisation, and you will come in as a Junior.

How do I grow in the ranks?

Our corporation rewards those who play and those who complete jobs, the more jobs you complete and the more you are active in the corporation’s Discord, other members can offer to promote you allowing you to the grow in the ranks, every member can promote a member of a rank below themselves, allowing our corporation to naturally grow it’s members to the right ranks and reward their effort.

How do profits work?

Simple. Our corporation is “for-profit” meaning, that we expect to make money, this money is used to help pay for supplies, weapons, ammo, armour and more, this money will also in the future pave the way for us to build our hub.

A job will yield some money and a percentage cut is taken from that job that goes to our corporation’s account.

As a corporation we will take a 20% cut from any business, so if you make 500k aUEC we will take 100k aUEC of that job, the rest is then divided up between the players who helped, depending on the type of job though a cut may be more or less, for example when it comes to emergency support (being downed somewhere) we will only take a 10% cut, because our members are the ones risking their lives.

Why do you need profits?

As noted above, it’s for supplies, our separate corporation account will be the one that holds all of the currency, this will then be sent to new members as needed for buying supplies, armour, and providing any required ships for certain missions that as an corporation we may not own between our members yet.

As the game evolves we will use that money to build outposts, and even buy capital ships to have a hub for our members to meet and hang out.


Elyrian empowers freelancers in the ‘verse.

We are the hosting company that recruit and find freelancers and then provide them with jobs.

We plan to become the powerhouse of offering jobs to the amazing citizens of the ‘verse.


We aim to be a strict, but fair corporation that excels in our field.

You will be expected to:

- Participate in jobs and work that come in via the resourcing system.

- Join in with our Discord chat.

- We are a friendly corporation, respect your fellow members.

- No political or controversial conversations are to be held within our corporations chat areas.

- When in the ‘verse do not spam or attempt to globally promote our corporation.

- We have a zero tolerance policy towards any kind of hate speech.

- No spamming our corporation channels.

- We DO NOT endorse grey markets for many reasons.