Elon's Musk / EMUS

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Piracy

WE are Elon’s Musk. Have you ever looked into the night and wondered how you can profit from the mysteries of the universe? We at Elon’s Musk can SMELL that sweet dank tang of opportunity, and we need YOU to help us spread the Musk. Come, join us. The universe, and PROFIT, await.


In the beginning, there was only a lone Wolf. Far away on planet Chernarus, a world abandoned to chaos and despair, that Wolf rose up like a rocket rising above the clouds of poverty, swiftly learning that the best way to survive was to take possession of all that he could. And sell it for pure profit. This was the beginning of The Musk.

One world was not enough, however, and before long The Wolf broke the bonds of gravity and set forth into the great unknown. Like the visionary Elon, he saw space as the final frontier of profit, where new and unusual worlds awaited discovery and selling to the highest bidder. Slowly a syndicate of like minded individuals began to for, and together they began to spread that Musk.

Today, Elon’s Musk is slowly spreading across the stars, seeping into every corner of the known galaxy. Reputation and profits go hand in hand, and with members like Loki who are willing to give that hand when needed, nothing can stand in our way. With profit comes power, and with power comes more profit. There is a new scent in the solar winds, and it is that sweet, dank tang of Elon’s Musk.


Spread the Musk: Explore. Investigate. Evaluate. Profit. The universe exists for Humanity to wonder at. All that is within the universe exists for Elon’s Musk to acquire and redistribute to those who can pay. Opportunities await for those who are not afraid of Spreading the Musk.


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