EPG Universal / EPG

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Epeen Gaming – /Flex Your Epeen



UPDATE 1.03.2016

Happy New Years Everyone! – This is our current fleet lineup that we need to fill, so if your interested let us know! Let’s have a prosperous 2016!

7x Aurora MR’s
1x Herald
1x Cutlass Blue
2x Retailator
1x Redeemer
1x Carrack
1x Avenger Stalker
1x Avenger Warlock
2x Gladius
1x Hornet F7C
1x Hornet F7C-M
1x Frigate Class – Idris-P
1x Endevour
1x Reclaimer
1x Hull E Transport
1x Orion
1x Crucible
1x Starfarer Gemini
1x Banu Merchantman
1x Vanguard Sentinel
1x Constellation Andromeda
2x Sabre

UPDATE 11.04.2015

Streamed events coming soon on our hitbox.tv channel , Star Citizen videos featuring MK to be posted this weekend including info on upcoming EPG Star Citizen Events & SC T-Shirts!

UPDATE 09.04.2015

We are now starting to develop promotional/funding campaigns for the community, check back soon for more info.

So you are interested in joining Epeen Gaming?

Well there’s some things you should know about us, and how we plan to play and explore together in this verse. We are a fairly tight knit group of gamers who have been playing with each other for almost a decade between many different games and have a memorable history. An important tenant within our community is that we are having fun and working together to achieve victory in anything we set out to do.

With Star Citizen, we are looking for more like-minded members to help us grow and become one of the largest member driven syndicate organization in the verse. As a syndicate org, we aim to work together with other org’s to achieve collective goals and support the organizations long term goals to expand our strength and influence.

“Syndicate: a self-organizing group of individuals, companies, corporations or entities formed to transact some specific business, to pursue or promote a shared interest.”

As we plan to become a self-sufficient org, members will have the chance to organize with their personal friends and other members to set out on their own space expeditions while also working with other parts of the community for the glory of our future empire.

That being said, we are pleased that you are showing interest in joining us, here are some guidelines and info about us should you want to learn more about us:

  • We do not have any specific rules about whether you are to engage in piracy or not, while this may tarnish our overall appearance among the community, we feel that members can engage in any activity they choose as long as it doesn’t get too out of control.
  • We love to have fun, so if you have any fun ideas in which we can engage in, please let us know by either visiting our website ( http://epeengaming.com/ ) and posting on the forums, or contacting leadership directly at admin@epeengaming.com
  • As we grow and the game progresses into the beta PU/final release, we will begin holding monthly events doing flight/combat training and giveaways all streamed live on our Twitch channel. ( http://twitch.tv/epeengaming/ )
  • Becoming a member and playing with us also has some perks, we want to work together as much as possible to achieve our goals, so communication is key. We have a Mumble server you can use freely which info can be found on our website.
  • We will soon start running some Star Citizen funding campaigns in preparation for future sales so we can prepare our fleet for release, and our eyes are now trained on capital & economic ships.
  • And lastly, if you want to keep up with things going on the community, and learn about other games we currently play/support, visit and follow/like our website and social media accounts;

Website: http://epeengaming.com/FacebookYouTubeSteamTwitter

And as always, thanks for supporting the community and never forget to /Flex Your Epeen!

About Epeen Gaming

Primary Objectives:
  • Create and maintain a self-sustaining economy
  • Bolster our fleet in scale and scope
  • Exploration (Map Jump Points, Find Derelict Ships, Artifacts)
  • Neutralize opposing organizations that threaten our sovereignty
Secondary Objectives:
  • Grey/Black Market Interactions
  • Boarding/Bounty Hunting
  • [Redacted]
Our Play Time(s):
  • We currently operate during standard North American hours, as we grow internationally this will change to support future capital ships.

More To Come. Stay Tuned,


About Epeen Gaming

Primary Objectives:
  • Create and maintain a self-sustaining economy
  • Bolster our fleet in scale and scope
  • Exploration (Map Jump Points, Find Derelict Ships, Artifacts)
  • Neutralize opposing organizations that threaten our sovereignty
Secondary Objectives:
  • Grey/Black Market Interactions
  • Boarding/Bounty Hunting
  • [Redacted]
Our Play Time(s):
  • We currently operate during standard North American hours, as we grow internationally this will change to support future capital ships.

More To Come. Stay Tuned,


So you are interested in joining Epeen Gaming’s fleet?

Well there’s some things you should know about us, and how we plan to play and explore together in this verse. We are a fairly tight knit group of gamers who have been playing with each other for a very long time between many different games and have a memorable history. An important tenant within our community is that we are having fun and working together to achieve victory in anything we set out to do.

With Star Citizen, we are looking for more like-minded members to help us grow and become one of the largest member driven syndicate organizations in the verse. As a syndicate, we are all working together to achieve each other’s goals and support the organizations long term goals to expand our influence.

“Syndicate: a self-organizing group of individuals, companies, corporations or entities formed to transact some specific business, to pursue or promote a shared interest.”

As we plan to become a self-sufficient org, members will have the chance to organize with their personal friends and other members to set out on their own space expeditions while also working with other parts of the community for the glory of our future empire.

That being said, we are pleased that you are showing interest in joining us, here are some guidelines and info about us should you want to learn more about us:

  • We do not have any specific rules about whether you are to engage in piracy or not, while this may tarnish our overall appearance among the community, we feel that members can engage in any activity they choose as long as it doesn’t get too out of control.
  • We love to have fun, so if you have any fun ideas in which we can engage in, please let us know by either visiting our website ( http://epeengaming.com/ ) and posting on the forums, or contacting leadership directly at admin@epeengaming.com
  • As we grow and the game progresses into the beta PU/final release, we will begin holding monthly events doing flight/combat training and giveaways all streamed live on our Twitch channel. ( http://twitch.tv/epeengaming/ )
  • Becoming a member and playing with us also has some perks, we want to work together as much as possible to achieve our goals, so communication is key. We have a Mumble server you can use freely which info can be found on our website.
  • We will soon start running some Star Citizen funding campaigns in preparation for future sales so we can prepare our fleet for release, and our eyes are now trained on capital & economic ships.
  • And lastly, if you want to keep up with things going on the community, and learn about other games we currently play/support, visit and follow/like our website and social media accounts;

Website: http://epeengaming.com/FacebookYouTubeSteamTwitter

And as always, thanks for supporting the community and never forget to /Flex Your Epeen!