Elite Secret Service US Headquarters / ESSUS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to the US Headquarters for Elite Secret Service! We focus on helping each other and organizations succeed all while hiding in the shadows. Play hard or casual we’re happy to have you join our operations. Need help? Just ask! Welcome to ESS!


Elite Secret Service has been around as on organization for a long time stretching back in to the early days of Elite Dangerous. Now featuring multiple divisions across the globe we are a group of gamers who enjoy helping each other and others.

Elite Secret Service currently has an overall organization and discord chat. As well as the ESS German division, CIMO division, and the ESS US Headquarters division. For discord links to any of the above please chat with a member.


Our light role-playing throughout different games has always been a behind-the-scenes style of play to quietly operate in the shadows to help win wars, rescue people, sway the powers of government. We general focus on lawful-style play, and will hunt griefers with joy. We believe in helping others and doing what is right. Together we can become stronger and help others around us.


-Respect other players and each other within the organization.
-We prefer clean gameplay in both language and behavior.
-Have fun and enjoy everything, at the end of the day it’s just a game.
-Don’t be afraid to ask for help.