• Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Resources

We are an organisation that wants to be top 1% credit earners.

Anyone who can share this goal is welcome to apply as we are open recruitment.

In addition to trading, as a member of 1%, you can present to the organisation a business plan.

And if our members like it, they can invest.


Nothing yet until launch.


We will have a few different kinds of outposts you can invest into and receive a daily sum from. They will be farms, mines, and local storages for your goods along with anything else released along the way of this games development.

The key here is focusing on becoming and retaining the status of a top 1% credit holding figure.

Once we secure a few masters of industry for each type, we will equip them with headquarters. Locations they need to run operations and secure that line of investment with employee contracts. Now this means for our entire organisation that you can diversify your investments by picking a leader of an industry or business, and have your money flowing in generated from multiple lines of safe, profitable, and diverse income sources. This allows each master of industry or business to safeguard each source of income we choose to invest in.

We can equate success to the amount of rich members we have, the amount of players actually in the top 1% category of financial earnings.

In order to build upon the attitude of a 1%er prepare for it to be a constant focus in 1%.

Having fun is essential but not above our goal of being the top 1% credit holding figures of the universe, remember that always and you will be a solid member.

What makes our group different is two things, you can come forward with your own business plan and you can invest into ongoing projects as well.

This will allow us to remain diverse, open and powerful going forward in the future of Star Citizen.

This free for all in terms of project creation will enable us to freely and openly see the best ideas and put them into action right away.

We need men and women who are willing to take on the burden of being in the top league and can utilize our organisation to its fullest extent.


1. Give respect, get respect.
2. Obey all legitimate laws in the sector of space your in.
3. Do not steal from other members or affiliates.