Execution / EXECUTION

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Welcome to EXE! Visit us in discord — http://execitizen.com


Established in 2012 Execution started with two guys in a liberator in Planetside 2 to one of the largest and most active outfits in the game with over 2200 members. This was accomplished not by aggressive recruiting but by creating a friendly adult oriented outfit without all the ridiculous rules and requirements that come with most guilds. Our rules are simple… and aim to keep it that way! Now don’t get us wrong we are not just a zerg organization. Another reason for our success is the training and practice sessions we provide our members. We don’t shun beginners we simply educate them. Everyone was a noob once. This mentality draws new and experienced players alike to our ranks.

With the rampant success and strong community that we quickly developed we are taking that strength and evolving into a multi – game gaming community. Star Citizen is our second official branch and we have a healthy presence in several other games of varying genres. Many of our members make use of our discord server for this purpose as well as to socialize with like minded gamers.

For the future we plan on expanding even further so if you choose to join us you do not just join us in Star Citizen. You join a robust community of PC gamers of all walks of life. Casual players to die hard fanatics. We have it all! feel free to visit our discord https://discord.gg/Fk5krTt


Welcome to Execution!

We are a pretty relaxed outfit with a diverse membership representing a wide array of different play styles. Our number one priority is always to have a good time and to that end our rules are simple and to the point. We are primarily an adult organization but there is no age limits only maturity restrictions. We also pride ourselves in being both Male and Female friendly and do not tolerate harassment of any kind. If you are interested in joining Execution, you have come to the right place! We have a very open recruitment policy (everyone’s welcome), and we only have two rules! Just simply signup to our forums and get with any member online for an invite. Hope to see you in game soon!


If you can count to two you will have successfully counted the number of rules we have. In EXE we like to keep things simple, fun, and drama free. It is really that simple!

Rule #1: Don’t be a D**k!

The golden rule. This means being a courteous and reasonable human being, showing respect to other players and organization members at all times. We don’t expect everything to stay child safe and politically correct at all times, but we do expect everyone to contribute positively to a welcoming and enjoyable environment. We always hope that disagreements can be resolved between affected parties but if necessary please contact leadership as appropriate. Don’t feed trolls! Repeat violations can mean removal from outfit so don’t be that guy or girl!

Rule #2: Obey Orders!

Participation in our events is always entirely voluntary, but if you choose to participate you will be expected to listen to your leadership and follow orders as soon as you get them. If you find yourself removed from a unit / group, this is usually why. It isn’t anything personal, it just isn’t fair to everyone when a few individuals are not working with the group. You can always respectfully leave the unit. There are no rank requirements to run your own unit / group and encourage everyone to practice leadership. Repeat violations can mean removal from outfit so listen up!