Feets Atop Seats Congregation In Astrography / FASCIA

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

A wise person once said: “Tables are for Asses, Seats are for Feet.” For too long have the Corporations persecuted those who stand upon chairs, join with us and spread the true way of the Future.


Up until early 2950, almost everyone in Stanton stood on their chairs. They understood that the way of the future was that Seats are for Feets, and the system was good.

But then came the Patch of Three-Ten. Sweeping regulations forced the people down, planting butt after butt into their seats, with the Corporations at the heart of this. Constantine Hurston, often seen sitting on the floor of his office, wanted to bring the People down to his level, and so enacted system-wide changes to force the People to…I dread to type this…SIT.

Now we seek to spread the Word of the Way of the Future, to remind the People of the Stanton System that they don’t have to sit if they don’t want to! To vow to never plant one’s butt in a chair if one can avoid it. Because Seats are for Feets.


“I’m sure you like seats, and I’m sure you like your feet. Well I’m here to tell you that your Feet are for Seats! Stand and be free, and don’t be subject to judgement from anyone in the ‘verse, as we stand together! FASCIA! Feet Atop Seats, a Congregation In Space Together!” – Iago


This Association (of) Feets On Seats pledges to never sit when one can stand, to keep our Feet On Objects Together, to be truly a Feets Atop Seats Congregation In Space Together, and to ask People Everywhere, Stand On Seats