Federation of Free Companies / FEDOFFC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Trading

The Federation of Free Companies is a consortium of independent organizations and crews. Our objective is to facilitate collaboration and trade while respecting the autonomy and uniqueness of each member entity. We enable small groups to thrive without relying solely on self-driven activity.


The Federation of Free Companies (FoFC) was founded in October of 2952 by a cadre of experienced Captains seeking to capture the advantages of a large organization while preserving the independence of smaller crews. Understanding a focus on personal relationships would yield a better experience for their members, the Federation is committed to the common ideals encoded in the founding manifesto and charter. The Federation leverages the combined expertise, population, and relationships of its subsidiaries to enable collaborative efforts, economies of scale, and a communal reputation otherwise unavailable to smaller organizations. In order to contact the Federation, or any of its companies join our Discord. server.

Currently Federated Companies:
FoFC Raiders
Capital Acquisitions
The Dream Catcher Collective
Federation Free Navy
Sons of Pyro MC


Endeavoring to create a scalable, sustainable, and flexible system able to effectively respond to the ever changing needs of our members as well as the constant evolution of the ‘verse, we hereby establish the Federation of Free Companies. This Federation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to facilitating the success of small to medium sized member entities by leveraging economies of scale, inter-organization relationships, and common cause to amplify the capabilities of each independent entity.

Our decentralized structure allows for innovation, flexibility, and rapid deployment of assets to respond to any situation. Our democratic principles ensure that our membership is able to grow and evolve with the ‘verse, and our representative structure ensures leaders are aware of the needs of their subordinates.

Each member entities independence enables collaborative efforts without inherently causing the decisions of any one organization to negatively impact others. With a focus on freedom coupled with reasonable accountability, our core principles enshrine mutual respect and mature behaviors we expect of our members.

Core Principles:
1) Real Life First – This is a leisure activity, do not sacrifice your health, relationships, finances, or wellbeing for this organization.
2) Common Courtesy – Treat people with respect and dignity at all times. Avoid intentionally controversial conversations.
3) Servant Leadership – Leadership is a responsibility. If you agree to a duty and are unable to fulfill it, communicate this and step aside with grace.
4) Competition Without Malice – Treat your adversary with respect. Do not engage in griefing. We do not tolerate behaviors intended to physically, financially, or psychologically harm anyone.
5) We Play The Game We Have –We accept the good and the bad, focusing on the present and near-term developments as we enjoy the project’s progression

Why should you be a member?
Here you can access the benefits of being in a large organization while still achieving that small-medium org function and feel. Mandatory adherence to the Core Principles ensures that any member organization you join will have a toxicity free, member focused experience. Finally, you are able to access a recruitment process where you will be exposed to a wide verity of active organizations.

Why should your org join the Federation?
Feeling lost among the countless orgs? Struggling to gain business partners, OpFor opponents, or consistent recruitment? Buried under the administrative burden of running it all yourself? As a member organization, you have access to our refined recruiting pipeline, contract brokerage services, and easy networking opportunities to collaborate with other players and organizations. Our culture of respect, courtesy, and professionalism lends legitimacy and prestige to participating Companies beyond what you might normally garner on your own, and provides opportunities to raise your profile among the wider SC community. Further, members may participate in group purchasing agreements, training curriculum, and intelligence networks that jumpstart your organization’s growth


Article I – Independent Companies are free to run their own affairs as they see fit, so long as they adhere to the overarching principles and policies of the Federation. In-game finances are handled internally by each Company, unless otherwise noted. Each Company is responsible for appointing a representative whom is tasked with holding their Company accountable to the Core Principles and Charter of the Federation, and with representing the Company on the Federation Council.

Article II – Company Representatives gather on a periodic basis to discuss and vote upon strategic goals, Federation policies, and other major decisions. This Council shall appoint staff to fulfill the resulting directives, and hold staff accountable to their assigned mission. Amendments to the Federation Charter may be made only by unanimous vote of the Council. Council meetings must occur no less than on a quarterly basis. If a Company’s representative is unable to attend, a proxy must be sent in their stead.

Article III New Companies may be created by filing a petition with at least four signatories, drafting a charter compliant with the Federation Charter and Core Principles, and requesting approval via supermajority (60%) vote by the Federation Officers. Companies whose charter has been revoked due to inactivity may resubmit their petition at any time, provided they meet the criteria above. Any Companies found to be consistently in violation of Federation policy shall be dissolved via three-fourths majority vote of all Council members.

Article IV – Interested recruits must agree to the rules and policies of the Federation, triggering a trial period wherein they may participate in low level operations and training exercises as a “Prospect”. During this trial period, Companies may submit a “bid” for the Prospect, who may then pledge themselves to Companies in which they have an interest. Alternatively, recruits may join a participating company directly, bypassing the bidding process, according to the rules of that company.
If a Prospect receives no bids, they are wished farewell and offboarded. This bidding process may be repeated once per year, unless a Prospect is permanently banned from the server.

Article IV – Affiliates welcome Memberships within other organizations are allowed and encouraged to facilitate the building up of a network of like minded organizations able to mutually aid one another or engage in economic endeavors. Affiliates may serve in any Company, however certain Companies may in their charter prohibit service in leadership positions.