Free Exploration and Trade Alliance / FETA

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Trading

“As one journeys to the far reaches of the known universe, he begins to see the big-picture of life. Life cannot be about just one man and his desires, but rather must be about the ideas that person creates, ideas that will help lead us to a brighter future.”

Graudenzo – CEO and Founder of FETA


It started with Four Men and a Dream, A Dream to promote their trade along the Universe. These four men were tired of being taxed for transporting their simple goods through borders and decided to come together and create an enterprise that would support the emancipation of taxation on these trade lanes, and thus FETA was born. The Founding members of FETA began their Corporation in the Ferron System around the old colonies of Ex-Patriots from the end of the Messer Era. Deciding that this was a formidable base of operations FETA began their base of operations. From the depths of a forgotten system, in an area that began from those seeking refuge from a corrupted government, a new Organization is formed. An Corporation that is focused on Free Trade lanes and Open systems. We are Open to all and Welcome to all who seek refuge in our doors, making it our goal to help improve the living conditions of all who join.

Our Homepage can be found here.


FETA is a corporation looking for the betterment of society through trade and exploration. We strongly support the use of free trade lanes for all species, as well unrestricted trade across borders. By continuing to explore and mark the outermost regions of the ‘Verse we are constantly generating new jobs and opportunities for those in need, for with our exploration comes a greater knowledge of what is and what is to come. FETA trades in both Conventional and Non-Conventional ideals, seeking to emancipate the Universe from unfair tariffs and corrupt system securities. Above all else we seek to stimulate the economy and rise above the rest. We will generally supplement anyone who needs or requests aid. FETA stands strong making the ‘Verse a better place one jump and trade at a time.


We are a conventional Organization with very simple Rules.

1. There will be no Piracy Tolerated: We accept all forms of ideals, but as we are primarily a trading and exploration Organization, Piracy is counter productive to our own cause.
2. We are a family: Do not fight with your partners in the Corporation. We are all working together for a common goal and to earn the UEC we need, so be friendly and don’t pick fights within our own doors. It creates a split in our ranks that is not needed.
3. Help Supplement others: One of the main goals is to generate more currency and stimulate our economy. In order to do this we need to occasionally support others in our ranks. If you need help, Ask for it, and if you see someone asking then Help. It will help us grow faster and stronger than anything else.

Good Luck, and Safe Flying